MERLOT Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching |
4, No. 2, June 2008
Wikis as a Tool for Collaborative Course Management
Mark Frydenberg
Senior Lecturer and Software Specialist
Computer Information Systems Department
Bentley College
There are growing expectations among college
students to be able to access and manage their
course materials over the World Wide Web. In its
early days, faculty would create web pages by hand
for posting this information. As Internet
technologies and access have matured over the past
decade, course and learning management systems such
as Blackboard and Web CT have become the norm for
distributing such materials. In today’s Web 2.0
world, wikis have emerged as a tool that may
complement or replace the use of traditional course
management systems as a tool for disseminating
course information. Because of a wiki’s
collaborative nature, its use also allows students
to participate in the process of course management,
information sharing, and content creation. Using
examples from an information technology classroom,
this paper describes several ways to structure and
use a wiki as a course management tool, and shares
results of a student survey on the effectiveness of
such an approach on student learning.
Wiki, Course Management, Collaboration, Web 2.0,
Content Creation, Student Learning.
Traditional course management systems such as
Blackboard, Moodle, or WebCT provide integrated
solutions for faculty to post course content,
assignments, and student grades. They are often
document-centered, allowing instructors to post
PowerPoint slides, Word and PDF files, and other
course content for students to access. In addition,
many course management systems allow students to log
in to check grades, submit assignments, or take
exams electronically. The responsibility lies with
the instructor to create the course content for
students to download or access.
This paper describes best practices for using a
collaborative web application known as a wiki to
augment a traditional course management system. A
wiki allows users to create, post, edit, or delete
web pages, thus promoting collaboration among its
users. As such, a wiki is a useful tool for
involving students in the process of creating and
sharing course content. While course management
systems have specialized features such as online
grade books and exams, useful exclusively in
academic environments, students are unlikely to
encounter such applications outside of a college
classroom. By introducing a wiki for collaborative
course management, students also learn to interact
with a real world tool, enabling them to accomplish
some tasks that would be more cumbersome if not
impossible using a traditional course management
Because students and faculty can both post
information to the wiki, the role of the instructor
changes from being the single authority to being a
partner with the students in their own learning. As
David Weinberger writes in his book Everything is
Miscellaneous, “When anyone can publish at the
press of a button, the social role of gatekeepers
changes.” (Weinberger, 2007, p. 102) Knowledge no
longer exclusively comes from a single instructor;
rather, a wiki enables all students to contribute to
each other’s learning. “Wiki use reflects the view
of an instructor as one who facilitates information
sharing among learners rather than simply
transmitting knowledge from themselves to their
students.” (Mindel & Verma, 2006)
Enter the Wiki
The concept of a wiki “is at once both so simple and
so novel that it is difficult to grasp.” (Cunningham
& Leuf, 2001) The term wiki was coined by
Ward Cunningham on a visit to Hawaii, where he took
the "Wiki Wiki" or "quick" shuttle between terminals
at the airport (Cunningham & Leuf, 2001). The term
now describes a “freely expandable collection of
interlinked Web pages, a hypertext system for
storing and modifying information – a database,
where each page is easily edited by any user with a
forms-capable Web browser client. “ (Cunningham &
Leuf, 2001, p. 14)
Wiki software tracks revisions so that one may
revert back in case of error or malice. This
versioning capability is also useful to monitor the
development of a particular page of web content. In
most cases, if two users try to edit the same page
at the same time, one will be locked out until the
other has completed making updates. Changes to a
wiki are published instantly.
Both wikis and blogs (short for “web logs”) are
collaborative web applications for posting
information on the World Wide Web, and have varied
use in higher education. (Davi, Frydenberg, & Gulati,
2007). While a blog allows its users to comment on
each other’s posts, participants cannot change
anything that they, themselves, did not post.
Blogs are online journals organized chronologically
with new posts at the top, while wikis have a much
more open structure, which allows participants to
add new pages, or change the content of existing
pages. (Lamb, 2004) Thus the wiki is “forever
evolving.” (Wang & Turner, 2004)
One creates a wiki by installing the application to
a web server, or more commonly, by registering with
the wiki provider and hosting it at their server. In
either case, the site is both updated and accessed
through a web browser, so no software needs to be
installed on the client. There are several free wiki
providers. The web site
Wikimatrix.org compares features of several
wikis. By answering simple questions such as “do
you need page history”, “do you require a WYSIWYG
(what you see is what you get) editor”, and “will
your wiki be hosted on our site or yours,”
WikiMatrix is often able to recommend an appropriate
wiki provider for a user’s intended purpose.
A user may easily create or modify wiki pages
without any detailed technical knowledge of HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language). Most wikis now include
a WYSIWYG editor enabling simple text entry. Some
earlier wikis required their users to master a
special wiki markup language for formatting text to
appear in a wiki. Because more than one person may
edit a wiki page, wikis provide a space where
“knowledge becomes networked … but remains
ephemeral: it changes, and can be changed and
mediated by the community.” (Duffy & Axel, 2006, p.
Educational Use of Wikis
Hemphill and Yew (2007) are optimistic regarding
widespread acceptance of wikis in educational
circles, citing their advantages over other
collaborative tools such as email (which is
disruptive) and threaded discussion boards (which
are not always conducive to finding accurate
information). Because they “capture version changes,
allow for distributed administration, and persist –
wikis …[are] a means to organize and share knowledge
…. It is likely that given the knowledge distributed
among members of an academic community, … such a
technology could prove useful.” (Hemphill & Yew,
2007, p. 274) These features make wikis a
“cost-effective and readily adopted knowledge
management tool” (Lamb, 2004, p40) for educators,
businesses, and organizations who wish to capture
communal knowledge.
Wikis have made their way into the classroom as
tools for teams to perform group authoring and
collaborative analysis, develop literature reviews
for research projects; participate on signup
sheets; summarize readings, post project summaries,
communicate with students and create knowledge bases
(Mindel & Verma, 2006; Guth, 2007).
Wikis are useful for students to share their class
notes (O’Neill, 2005; Guth, 2007). O’Neill proposes
that “the instructor places skeletal lecture notes
onto a wiki site, and students flesh them out with
materials they have learned in class...” Students
create a study aid for their classmates, and the
instructor sees what students took away from the
lecture. A wiki’s public nature inspires students to
“gain a greater sense of collective ownership” (Guth,
2007, p. 63) over the shared content and process to
which they contributed.
A project management course in a computer science
curriculum makes use of wikis to capture group
activities and store them in a centrally available
location (Xu, 2007). In an information technology
course, the wiki paradigm “promotes an active
learning environment in an educational setting,
because students and instructors become co-creators
of course content.” (Elrufaie & Turner, 2005,
p.770) To teach proper XHTML syntax, and as an
alternative to requiring students to learn
specialized wiki markup language, Elrufae and Turner
(2005) developed a wiki application requiring
students to use valid XHTML for input; invalid code
would not be accepted.
Students at Brown University have created a wiki for
their classmates to review courses they have taken.
The unstructured wiki provides a forum for stating
opinions on a particular course, providing “richer
reviews that combine multiple impressions and
perspectives.” (Duffy & Axel, 2006)
Wikis have found their way into industry as well, as
organizations use them to capture aspects of
corporate knowledge. Introducing wikis in the
classroom prepares students for the “real world”
where wikis are used for collaboration between
project groups, collective content management, and
creating an online encyclopedic knowledge base.
Educational Concerns
Lamb (2004) predicted that it is “a safe bet that
wiki-like writing spaces will be featured in future
course management systems - along with other social
software tools and protocols such as weblogs and RSS
-but if practices don’t evolve, the effects on
student learning will be superficial at best.”
(Lamb, 2004, p. 46)
In 2007, released versions of Moodle and Blackboard
both included built-in wikis as plug-ins from
third-party providers. ( (Moodle: Modules and Plug
ins) Blackboard 7 introduced wiki functionality
(Blackboard Building Blocks) and allowed for
integrating wiki pages within a Blackboard site, or
by incorporating a link to a Blackboard wiki from
the course menu. However, since Blackboard’s wiki
is plug-in, its wiki pages cannot currently link to
existing Blackboard pages elsewhere on the site,
outside the wiki. It is easy to track which
students contribute to the wiki, because access can
be set to only allow registered students to modify
Some wikis lack features that are necessary for
their acceptance within the educational community.
Lamb (2004) and Hemphill and Yew (2007) argue that a
WYSIWYG editor is required, because learning a wiki
markup language is a “powerful deterrent to
nontechnical users.” (Hemphill & Yew, 2007, p.
276) Wang and Turner (2004) proposed extensions for
wikis to make them more suitable for classroom use.
These included page locking to handle concurrent
edits, and access control to protect certain public
pages (such as the syllabus) or provide private
spaces for collaboration.
Security is also an issue among educators. Lamb
(2004) suggests that the openness in a wiki is
problematic because anyone can change anything. On
the other hand, this also promotes a sense of trust
and community among its users.
Wikis for Course Management
Maloney (2007) suggests that today’s course
management systems are not being used to their
fullest potential. Because they are “built around
the … course, not the … student,” their most common
uses are for faculty to distribute handouts and
students to check grades. “The role that the systems
play most often is like that of an advanced
photocopier, allowing faculty members to deliver
materials to their students with greater ease than
was previously possible. That use can be important,
but it is only part of what the systems could do.”
(Maloney, 2007, p. B26)
While the traditional course management system (CMS)
is best used for these common tasks, a
next-generation CMS must be centered around the
student’s learning, not the course’s
administration. This paper suggests that a wiki may
supplement the traditional CMS and give students a
forum for collaborating and sharing their knowledge
and understanding for the benefit of their
Lamb (2004) cautions that using a wiki as a CMS has
its own concerns. Tracking user contributions may be
difficult, and if the instructor provides too much
structure, that could limit the wiki’s
effectiveness. “An instructor could structure and
regulate interaction to such an extent that the wiki
is effectively transformed into a stripped-down
course management system. But doing so risks
diluting the special qualities that make wikis worth
using in the first place.” (Lamb, 2004, p. 45)
Course Background
IT 101 (Introduction to Technology) is a course
required of all first year students at Bentley, a
national leader in business education. The course
introduces students to basic technology concepts,
ensuring they gain basic competency in using and
maintaining their computers, and fluency in using
the Internet. The course builds individual skills in
creating web pages, developing spreadsheets, and
navigating the Windows XP operating system, all
crucial skills for future business leaders.
Creating a course in which the use of a wiki was a
key component encouraged students to embrace the
technology because they were required to interact
with it on an almost daily basis.
Accessing the Class Wiki
This class uses
PBwiki (PBWiki.com, 2008) and as its wiki
provider. The product is very user- and
educator-friendly. The company provides several
suggestions for using a wiki in the classroom on
their web site. PBwiki supports solutions for
many of the concerns listed in the previous section,
as it includes a WYSIWYG editor, supports page
locking, and has announced that an upcoming release
will provide improved page access features and
folders for organizing wiki pages.

Figure 1. Wiki Login Screen
In the wiki used in this class, all students share a
common wiki password, and provide their name and
email-address when logging in. (See Figure 1.) The
wiki records any changes as originating from the
name provided and contributors may elect to receive
email notification of any changes. Knowing that
they would be graded on their participation on the
class wiki was a sufficient incentive for students
to log in using their real names.
Upon logging in, the user sees the wiki’s front
page. This “home page” acts as a class portal
containing links to other wiki pages and external
web sites. An announcements panel appears at the
top of the page; the Students panel on the
left contains links to student rosters, class blogs
and podcasts, as well as the schedule for students
to contribute their class notes to the wiki.
The Course panel contains course materials,
including links to a syllabus page, signup sheets,
videos, and collaborative exam study sheets. The
Cool Stuff link (described “If you find it,
share it”) is a place where students can share
interesting web pages, tips, or other resources with
their classmates. The Coming Up panel on the
right contains information about upcoming classes or
other class news. (See Figure 2.)
One of the first exercises that students complete in
order to learn how to use the wiki requires them to
create a class
roster listing their names alphabetically.
Undoubtedly someone posts his or her name in the
incorrect place, and other students quickly realize
that they can change what their classmates wrote by
moving the name to its proper
position. Other students will discover
that they areocked out of the wiki if they try
to edit it at the same time when someone else is
already doing so. They must wait until the change
is completed, or the page lock expires due to

Figure 2. The Class Wiki Main Page. |
Students quickly find that they can add pages or
content to the wiki. Teachers no longer control
the entire learning experience. No longer are they
“organizers and facilitators of learning activity,
distributors of learning material [and]
assignments.” (Lund & Smordal, 2006, p. 40)
This class used a wiki for syllabus management,
project management, collaborative writing and
studying. The next sections describe techniques
employed for doing so.
Syllabus Management
The syllabus is essential to every college course.
It lists course policies, assignments, and
schedules. Of all documents posted to a course
management system, the syllabus is the one that is
most likely to be modified or updated as the
semester progresses.
Often distributed as a Word document, or posted
online as a document or PDF file, once posted, it is
tedious to update. Only the most diligent
instructors will take the time to update the Word
document, convert it to PDF, and post the updated
PDF back to a web site or CMS every time they
deviate from the original schedule. For practically
everyone else, the schedule in the PDF file posted
on Blackboard prior to the first class is “off”
shortly after the semester begins. By creating it
as a wiki page, the syllabus becomes a living
document that is easy to update in the likely event
that the schedule changes. In this way, the syllabus
more accurately reflects the class pace.
The schedule page displays hyperlinks to other wiki
pages containing student-contributed notes or
instructor-provided course materials. (See Figure
3). Lucas and Frydenberg (2000) developed a
web-based application for course management using
Active Server Pages, where each page had this
structure. Today the use of a wiki is a much more
general solution, and renders this specialized
application obsolete (Lucas & Frydenberg, 2000).

Figure 3. The Schedule Page.
Project Management
Wikis “establish virtual learning spaces or
environments that facilitate collaboration across
time, interruptions, and distance.” (Mindel & Verma,
2006, p. 11) The power of the wiki as a project
management tool comes when students add information
to it.
In one project, each group set up its own wiki page
to chronicle work and share materials with other
group members. A template provides the structure for
students to enter their names and tasks completed.
By using the wiki as a collaborative workspace to
note each time a group member works on the project,
each group creates a log of contributions and a
centrally located collection of resources for team
members. (See Figure 4.)
Collaborative Writing/Note Taking
To promote collaboration, two or three students are
assigned specific dates throughout the semester to
post their notes from class to the wiki. To ensure
that they were posted in a timely fashion, students
had to complete their wiki notes prior to the start
of the following class. Classmates then reviewed
these “Wikipedia-style” notes pages, and added
information that they learned but the original
authors may have omitted. The instructor provided a
template containing the class date, space for the
contributors to enter their names, and a blank page
below for the notes. “Putting a lecture skeleton
onto a wiki website and encouraging students to
flesh out that skeleton can create high-quality
lecture notes and provide an instructor with
valuable feedback on what students have understood.”
(O'Neill, 2005, p. 268)
The instructor taught both a morning and afternoon
section of the class on the same days. Often one
student from the morning section and one student
from the afternoon section would be assigned to
contribute to the wiki notes for the day. The
intention for doing so was so that students could
experience their work being edited or changed,
possibly by other students who they did not know, to
mimic the anonymity of posting to Wikipedia.

Figure 4. Collaborative
Workspace on the Class Wiki. |
A few weeks in to the semester, however, the
students from the morning section realized that they
could take notes directly in the wiki during class,
rather than copying or retyping their notes later.
As a result, the task of the student in the
afternoon section often shifted from content
creation to content verification and embellishment.
That student had to review the notes which the
morning student had already posted, and perhaps
correct or enhance them, by posting a graphic,
hyperlinks, or other related information. (See
Figure 5).
Figure 5. Class
Notes Page of Wiki.
To alleviate the problem of always having the notes
posted by the morning class students before the
afternoon class student has a chance to write
anything, during the next semester, the instructor
will assign only morning class students or afternoon
class students to submit notes on a given day.
On occasion, if something important is missing from
the notes, the instructor would either add it, or
more likely, discuss it in the next class, and
suggest that a student make the appropriate updates.
Collaborative Study Sheets
“When contributing to a wiki project, students are
not just writing for the teacher, as is the case in
traditional classroom environments, but for and
with their peers.” (Guth, 2007. p. 62) Students
used the class wiki to create a collaborative study
sheet from which the instructor would select
potential questions for an examination. A template
wiki page contained descriptions of possible
question topics, with question placeholders
instructing students to “Type your question here” or
“type your answer here.” Students also posted their
names following each question. Each student had to
post one original exam question (and answer) in one
of the open placeholders. Students quickly
experience the benefits of collaboration, as each
contributes one question, and has the benefit of
everyone else’s questions. Students who posted
earlier had their choice of open topics on which to
post their questions; students who posted later had
to read through all of the questions that their
classmates had already posted in order to be sure
not to repeat one of them. At the same time,
students who posted earlier had to return to the
wiki as their classmates added to it, in order to
gain the benefit of their contributions. The
upcoming exam would draw from questions based on
those that the class had developed. In this way,
students not only helped to make up the exam, but
they potentially had a copy of it even before it was
Students were also told to review each others’
answers and enhance or correct them if necessary. As
the exercise continued, the instructor would also
monitor the wiki, posting notes or comments if a
question was inappropriate, or an answer was
incorrect. If an important question had not yet
been asked, the instructor, on occasion, would post
a question on it, along with the words “Needs an
Answer” for one of the remaining students to
When grading an exam, the instructor noticed that
several students gave the same incorrect answer to
one of the questions. A quick check of the wiki
indicated that the answer to the question on the
wiki was incorrect. Students clearly used the wiki
page for a study tool, but nobody happened to catch
– or correct – that particular inaccurate answer.
What an unexpected teachable moment! It happened at
about the same time as Wikipedia discovered that one
of its most popular contributors, who claimed to
have advanced degrees in theology, was really
24-year old college drop out (Williams, 2007). The
instructor asked “if you can’t trust people who you
know in your own class to get it right, how you can
trust Wikipedia?”
A long discussion ensued that day about the validity
of information that is available on Wikipedia and
other web sites, and who is ultimately responsible
for their accuracy. Students offered their ideas
about how to better handle this situation so that it
doesn’t occur again. One student suggested that
“next time, each of us should post one question and
answer, and indicate that we verified (or
contributed to) another student’s answer.” Most
students thought this simple system of
checks-and-balances creating a “self correcting
community” (Guth, 2007) would be a sufficient
improvement over the original ad hoc process, and
help promote the accuracy of the resulting
collaborative study sheet.
Impact of Wikis on Student Learning
The instructor used a wiki to augment the
traditional course management system in an
introductory information technology course for three
consecutive semesters beginning in Fall 2006. During
each semester, students used the wiki as a
collaborative workspace for posting shared
materials, signing up for projects, and
collaborating with classmates. During the Fall 2007
semester, teams of two or three students
collaborated to post notes from a designated class
session to the wiki.
The first goal of this study was to ascertain
students’ prior experience and knowledge of wikis.
The second was to gain an understanding of their
opinions on the usefulness of wikis as a tool for
learning and collaboration, and as a tool to support
college classroom management.
The instructor administered the same voluntary,
online survey regarding students’ experiences using
the class wiki at the end of each semester of the
study. Because the wikis were used in much the same
way throughout the study, responses were combined
for each semester, and the aggregate results are
presented in the figures that follow. A total of
145 students completed the survey during the three
semesters of this study.
Quantitative Results
It was expected that most students had heard of, but
not used a wiki regularly prior to taking this
class, and assumed that after using one, they would
come to understand the benefits of a wiki for
collaborative study and learning. The results shown
in Figures 6 and 7 are in line with these
Over 13% had never heard of a wiki prior to this
class; 37% had heard about wikis but never posted to
or edited one; 39% said that they knew about wikis
because of Wikipedia. Only 9% of the students said
they had posted to a wiki prior to this class. Each
student posted or modified content to the wiki an
average of 7 times during the semester that they
were enrolled in the course.

Figure 6. Wiki Familiarity Prior to This Class
Table 1 displays the questions related to attitudes
when using a wiki. Each of these responses was
indicated on a 7-point Likert scale, where 1
corresponds to Strongly Agree (SA), and 7
corresponds to Strongly Disagree (SD). The number of
students who provided no answer (NA) to each
question is also indicated in the charts summarizing
the results in Figure 7.
Q1 |
The class Wiki helped me work more
efficiently. |
Q2 |
The use of a wiki in this class helped in my
learning. |
Q3 |
Having students collectively create an exam
study guide is a good use for a wiki. |
Q4 |
I could see the value of collaboration when
using a wiki. |
Q5 |
Posting information to the class wiki was easy
for me to do. |
Q6 |
It was hard to learn how to post information
to the class wiki. |
Q7 |
The class notes posted on the wiki were
helpful for me as I studied or reviewed what
happened in class each day. |
Q8 |
I wish that more college courses would use
wikis as part of their online course
management. |
Q9 |
With a class wiki, blog, and Blackboard site,
it was hard for me to keep track of what
course information was posted where. |
Q10 |
I wish that more college courses would use
wikis as part of their online course
management. |
Table 1. Wiki usage.

Figure 7. Survey Results. (SA = Strongly Agree; SD
= Strongly Disagree; NA = No Answer.)
The study elicited responses in three areas: impact
of wikis as study and learning tools (Q1, Q2, Q7);
collaborative benefits of wikis (Q3, Q4); their ease
of use (Q5, Q6), and their benefits as course
management tools (Q8, Q9, Q10).
Figure 7 shows that the majority of the students
surveyed felt that using the wiki contributed to
their learning (Q1 and Q2). Their interaction with
the wiki gave them a sense of its benefits as a tool
for collaborative learning (Q3 and Q4), and they
found it easy to post information to the wiki (Q 5
and Q6). Students in the Fall 2007 semester found
the class notes created by their peers to be a
useful study aid (Q7).
The majority of the students wished that other
courses would also use a wiki as part of their
online management (Q8), although students were mixed
in their abilities to manage multiple course
management tools (Q9). One student commented,
“Having the wiki and Blackboard at the same time was
sometimes confusing because whenever I go to check
what assignments are due and what need to be done, I
always have to go to both websites.”
The course used Blackboard for administrative course
tasks – uploading and submitting homework, posting
assignments, course materials, and grades. The
class blog served as the place for students to post
video podcast episodes that they created, or comment
on those of their classmates. Students used the
wiki as their place to contribute to the course – by
signing up for projects, posting collaborative
questions and notes, or other items of interest for
the class. It is important to note that students
did not have difficulty using the any of the
different web-based course management tools, but
with so many of them, some needed reminders as to
which ones they were expected to use at different
The responses to Q10 (“I don't really need to know
about HTML since I can use a blog or a wiki to put
information on the Web.”) were also varied.
Students learned to create simple web pages using
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) early in the
course. Many found value in doing so because knowing
HTML gave them complete control over the design of
their web pages and the content they were posting to
them. However, with many collaborative, web-based
applications (blogs, wikis, and Facebook, for
example) available for posting one’s information to
the Web, the reasons for teaching HTML today are
different than they were even five years ago. Then,
it was critical to know HTML as creating a web page
was the only way to have a presence on the Web.
Several students realized that a knowledge of HTML
was helpful (but not critical) for their ability to
post information on the class wiki or blog because
it allowed them to display content other than text.
They would often switch to HTML view of a page or
use an HTML container plug-in on PBWiki to enter the
code for image tags, or embed the HTML code to post
YouTube videos or Google gadgets to the class wiki,
or their own blogs.
The survey also asked students for their suggestions
of additional ways that the class might incorporate
the use of wikis. Among their suggestions:
To hold course documents instead of Blackboard
To post evaluations to other students’ projects
To share helpful tips from class or hints on
To provide information on non-academic topics
(such as restaurant reviews, locations of
useful campus resources, etc.)
Qualitative Results
Students reflected on their experience during the
semester by blogging on the question “What did you
learn this semester that I can’t test you on?”
Several students commented on the ease of
communication that web-based tools provide, and on
how their use impacted not only their learning, but
also that of the entire class. One student remarked:
Coming into IT I really had no idea what to expect.
But when we started using [the class] wiki… I was
very intrigued by just how much could be
accomplished... …I found the task of using a wiki …
[to be] very useful for my expressing my ideas on
the internet, especially with so many people using
Wikipedia these days.
Said another student:
Using blogs, wikis, and podcasts was a valuable way
for me to not only learn and participate, but also
see how [technology] can be used effectively. It
felt like our IT101x class was on the cutting edge
of technology and learning. Using the class wiki
communicated the importance and power of
communication over the Internet.
I learned that I have the power to change the
Internet with the tools that I am given.
One student had a better understanding of how the
World Wide Web evolved into a platform that enables
the use of wikis and other collaborative tools:
Before this class the only wiki that I have ever
used was Wikipedia, but still I was not very
familiar with this technology. This form of
technology allows various people to update the wiki,
which makes communicating amongst many people much
easier, especially using the notes page in our class
Students knew that they were accountable when
posting information to the course wiki, and
recognized the power that was entrusted to them in
doing so. At the same time, they found this shared
participation to be beneficial. One student
One thing I really liked about this course and felt
was something that would be useful in other courses
too is the use of a class wiki. It was a good place
to go, and it was nice to be able to edit on a
collaborative site than have a set page. It was also
good to be able to put up interesting information
and be trusted with the opportunity to administer
the site. It also helped build a sense of
responsibility and collective understanding. It
exposed me to a lot of new ideas that I otherwise
wouldn’t have learned. [The wiki] was also a way to
make the course more interactive and hands on, which
is something I think everyone enjoyed.
This paper describes techniques and pedagogical
considerations when using a wiki to augment a
traditional course management system, and presents
best practices for their use. Building a course
around the use of a wiki invites students to become
involved in the process of creating course content
and sharing their knowledge with their classmates.
The results of this study suggest that many first
year college students only have a cursory knowledge
of what wikis are, and incorporating their use in
the classroom will add value not only to students’
studying and learning, but also to their potential
success as future knowledge workers and technology
A video tour of this class wiki is available online
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