MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching |
2, No. 3, September 2006
Barriers on ESL
CALL Programs in South Texas
Shao-Chieh Lu
Educational Leadership and Counseling Department
A & M
paper proposes a methodology to discover the barriers that influence
English as second language (ESL) teachers in the use of computers in
their classrooms. The participants in the study were sixty-seven ESL
teachers who applied computer assisted language learning (CALL) in the
classroom or computer lab in schools in
Corpus Christi Independent
School District
(CCISD) and Kingsville Independent
School District (KISD) in South
Texas . The survey study included the participants’
demographic data, twenty variables influencing the use of CALL, and
five open-ended questions. The researcher designed and verified the
reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The resulting survey
data were then analyzed using Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA) to capture the information in the survey and to
identify a set of factors that hinder the use of CALL in ESL. The
findings demonstrate that there are three key barriers that
impact teachers who use CALL programs to teach ESL, and ESL teachers
may change their roles as they implement CALL programs. These barriers
are technology skills, funding for teaching through technology, and
acceptance of technology. The results can help
educators to understand better the
impact of CALL and to anticipate the barriers of CALL program they may
In the last few years the
number of teachers using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has
increased markedly and numerous articles have been written about the
role of technology in education. Although the potential of the Internet
for educational use has yet to be fully
explored and the average school still makes limited use of computers,
it is obvious that we have entered a new information age in which the
links between technology and TESL (Teaching English as a Second
Language) have already been established (Lee, 2000). The Internet has brought about a revolution in
teachers' perspective, as the teaching tools offered through the
Internet are gradually becoming
more reliable. Nowadays, the Internet is gaining immense popularity in
second language teaching, and more and
more educators and learners are embracing it.
The Internet and the rise
of computer-mediated communication in particular have reshaped the use
of computers for language learning. The recent shift to global
information-based economies means that students will need to learn how
to deal with large amounts of information and be able to communicate
across languages and cultures. At the same time, the role of the
teacher has changed as well. Teachers are no longer the only source of
information, but act as facilitators so that students can actively
interpret and organize the information they are given, fitting it into
prior knowledge (Dole, Duffy, Roehler, & Pearson, 1991). Students
have become active participants in learning and are encouraged to be
explorers and creators of language rather than passive recipients of it
(Brown, 1991). Integrative CALL stresses these issues and additionally
lets learners of a language communicate inexpensively with other
learners or native speakers. As such, it combines information
processing, communication, use of authentic language, and learner
autonomy, all of which are of major importance in current language
learning theories.
Statement of the Problem
Proper infusion of
technology is a national priority. In 2002
President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act into law.
This law affects almost every facet
of education as we know it. In order to improve student achievement
through the use of technology, former U.S. Secretary of Education Rod
Paige announced the new “Enhancing Education Through Technology” (ED
Tech) initiative shortly after the signing of
the NCLB act. The stated
goals of ED Tech are to:
I. |
Improve student academic
achievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and
secondary schools; |
Assist students to become
technologically literate by the time they finish the eighth grade; |
III. |
Ensure that teachers are
able to integrate technology into the curriculum to improve student
achievement (NCLB, 2002). |
In the meantime, The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)
approved educator certification standards in Technology Applications
for all beginning educators. According to Texas Education Agency
(2002), current educators should strive to meet the following SBEC
I. |
All teachers use technology-related terms,
concepts, data input strategies, and ethical practices to make informed
decisions about current technologies and their applications; |
II. |
All teachers identify task requirements,
apply search strategies, and use current technology to efficiently
acquire, analyze, and evaluate a variety of electronic information; |
III. |
All teachers use task-appropriate tools to
synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results
in a way that supports the work of individuals and groups in
problem-solving situations; |
teachers communicate information in different formats and for diverse
audiences; and |
All teachers know how to plan, organize,
deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates
the effective use of current technology for teaching and integrating
the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
into the curriculum. |
According to the state’s
requirements on teaching through technology, ESL teachers in Texas
encounter barriers when using computer-assisted language learning
programs. The majority of studies on teacher technology education
explore the following issues: (1)
what teachers should be learning in technology courses (Hargrave &
Hsu, 2000), and (2) how teachers think about and use
computers in the classroom (Ertmer, Addison, Lane, Ross, & Woods,
1999; Levy, 1997). Much of this research shows that teacher-education
technology courses and programs have a limited impact on how teachers
think about and implement technology-supported teaching.
Purpose of Study
The first purpose of this
study is to identify the barriers that CALL coursework has on classroom
computer use and address how language teachers use computer integration
in their teaching. The second purpose is to explore how these barriers
impact teachers who use CALL programs to teach ESL.
Research Question
The following research
question was addressed in this study:
What barriers do ESL
teachers encounter when using CALL programs in south Texas ?
Significance of the Study
This study explores how
ESL teachers learn about computer-assisted activities and the factors
that influence whether they use computers in their classrooms. The
results of this study can help teacher educators better understand the
impact of CALL coursework on classroom computer use and to anticipate
the barriers they may face.
The questionnaire design
was complicated by the fact that some factors, such as “acceptance of
technology” might not be intuitive to subjects and hence not directly
measurable and hence must be measured by a set of measurable variables.
Twenty measurable
variables were identified based on the author’s professional expertise.
The objectives of this study were to extract the key factors from the
set of measurable variables in the questionnaire.
Several measures were
used to ensure the validity and
reliability of the research instrument. The validity of the instrument
was examined by a panel of experts (N=3). Each panelist examined the
instrument for content, clarity, and appropriateness. In order to ensure the reliability of the instrument,
the Cronbach Alpha correlation Statistical Procedure was applied to
test for internal consistency.
Subjects of the Study
According to Thomas
(2005), most researchers study the people, institutions, and events
that are convenient — those that happen to be at hand. In this
study, the researcher used the following samples as the source of
subjects. The target populations were from elementary schools, middle
schools, high schools, colleges/universities and ESL/EFL private
schools in Kingsville and Corpus Christi , Texas . The participants in the
study were English as second language (ESL) teachers who applied CALL
in the classroom or computer lab. The teachers’ experience ranged from
more experienced (more than 20 years experience, n= 5) to less
experienced (5 or fewer years of experience, n= 31). A total 69 ESL
teachers were surveyed, and 67 ESL teachers returned the survey. The
return rate on this survey was 97%.
The population in the
study was 67 ESL teachers, of whom three (4.48%) were males and
sixty-four (95.52%) were females. Teachers’ teaching level: thirty-five
(52.2%) were elementary school teachers, fourteen (20.9%) worked in
middle school, thirteen (19.4%) taught in high school, two (3.0%)
worked in college/university and three (4.5%) were from ESL/ EFL
private school. Thirty-one teachers (46%) had taught less than 5 years,
six (9%) between 5-9 years, twenty-three (34%) between 10-14 years, two
(3%) had taught between 15-19 years, and five (8%) more than 20 years
of experience. Educational credentials of ESL teachers: fifty-five
(82.1%) had a bachelor’s degree, nine (13.4%) had a master’s degree,
and three (4.5%) had a doctorate degree.
is that the KMO
The researcher developed
the survey, which consisted of twenty-nine items divided into six
(appendix A). Section
1 surveys the demographics of the participants. Each respondent was
asked to provide personal information such as gender, current teaching
level, years of teaching experience and educational qualifications.
Section 2 asks the respondents about the school’s funding for the
computer assisted language learning program. Section 3 includes items
concerned with the availability of computer hardware and software.
Section 4 includes statements regarding the respondents’ technical and
theoretical knowledge of the use of computer assisted language learning
programs. Section 5 includes statements eliciting the basic views of
respondents toward the use of technology in the classroom, their
insights of administrative and actual support, and their self-estimated
use of technology. Section 6 includes open-ended questions for
respondents’ suggestions and barriers on the use of CALL programs to
teach ESL.
The major steps in
statistical analysis are summarized as follows:
Factor Analysis
The objectives of
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) are to identify the underlying
factors influencing the outcome of measurable response variables
through survey data. The analysis can be
further complicated by the fact that some or all these factors may not
be measurable directly. Hence, during the
survey design stage, the researcher may propose measurable variables
which may contribute to the response of the study.
Based on measured data from the survey, factor
analysis is used to explore the correlation among measurable variables
and determines whether the relationship can be summarized in a smaller
number of factors.
The information in the
survey data is captured by the Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient matrix. The key
idea of factor analysis is to extract “factors” from the correlation
matrix such that the content of the correlation matrix may be
reconstructed with small number of these factors in contrast with the
full set of measurable variables proposed. Factor analysis consists of
the following steps.
Step 1: Compute the N x N
correlation coefficient matrix where N is the number of measurable
variables in the survey questionnaire.
Step 2: Compute Bartlett ’s
test of specificity to determine whether correlation exists between
measurable variable. Notice that if Bartlett ’s test is not
significant, this implies that correlation matrix is not significantly
different from the identity matrix and hence the set of measurable
variables are not correlated and hence each measurable variable is
indeed a factor influencing response. In this case no factor extraction
is possible. The analysis will be terminated here. Otherwise go to step
Step 3: Compute the
Kaiser-Myer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of sampling adequacy. The rule of thumb
is that the KMO
value should be greater than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor
analysis to proceed.
Step 4: Factor extraction based on
Principle component analysis: Compute the
eigenvalues of the correlation matrix. The magnitude of the eigenvalues
exceeding a certain pre-predetermined threshold will identify one
significant factor. The rule of thumb is that if the sum of the
eigenvalues exceeds
1.0 a significant factor (with some exceptions) is
indicated. The number of factors can also be determined graphically by
a Scree plot (Thompson, 2004).
Step 5: Compute the Pattern/Structure
Communality Coefficient for each measurable variables. Communality
variable measures the amount of variance, and information contents can
be recovered by the identified set of factors extracted in Step 4.
Step 6: Varimax Orthogonal Factor rotation and Kaiser Normalization.
The survey
data were analyzed using EFA described above with SPSS for Windows 12.0. The three key barriers for using the CLASS
program in ESL instruction are summarized in the following table.
Barrier |
Variables |
Communalities |
Eigenvalues |
% of Variance |
α coefficient |
6 |
0.773 |
7 |
0.961 |
Skills |
11 |
0.775 |
7.008 |
38.864 |
0.846 |
12 |
0.95 |
15 |
0.856 |
16 |
0.963 |
1 |
0.589 |
2 |
0.59 |
for teaching through technology |
3 |
0.963 |
4 |
0.836 |
5 |
0.976 |
5.327 |
29.541 |
0.841 |
8 |
0.963 |
9 |
0.836 |
10 |
0.976 |
19 |
0.834 |
13 |
0.961 |
of Technology |
14 |
0.864 |
17 |
0.951 |
3.719 |
20.621 |
0.759 |
18 |
0.741 |
20 |
0.72 |
This paper proposed a
complete methodology to survey and identifies key barriers affecting the use of CALL programs in ESL
instructions using sampling survey and exploratory factor analysis techniques
and SPSS 12.0 statistical analysis packages. The barriers are
technology skills, funding for teaching through technology, and
acceptance of technology.
Based on the results that
ESL teachers’ encounter with CALL programs, the following
recommendations are made:
- If computer assisted
learning for language is to be used, it needs to incorporate multimedia
and include offline experiences so that the students can be immersed in
the language.
- A computer cannot teach
the nuances of language, such as inflection and connotation. A full
language learning experience has to include elements of the culture to
complement the academic aspect and correctness of language.
- The most effective human
interaction in teaching and learning should be combined with the
effective use of technology.
- A combination of
Web-based classes and traditional teaching programs is the best way to
teach ESL.
for Further Studies
Areas that may be
explored by future studies include exploring teaching styles that
foster the use of collaborative, critical thinking activities, and the
use of real world technology applications. Research can also focus on
the connection between technology and instruction. One way to study
these factors is by conducting a comparative study of classrooms where
technology is used to teach language.
Brown, H. D.
(1991). TESOL at twenty-five: What are the issues? TESOL
Quarterly, 25(2),
Journal of Technology and Teacher
Education, 8(4), 303-314.
Lee, K. (2000). English
teachers' barriers to the use of computer-assisted language learning. The Internet TESL Journal, 6(12), NP. Retrieved on April, 25, 2006, from
Levy, M. (1997). A
rationale for teacher education and CALL: The holistic view and its
implications. Computers and the Humanities, 30(4),
No Child Left Behind Act
(2002). Enhancing Education Through
Technology. Retrieved on March, 12, 2006, from
Texas Education Agency
(2002). Technology applications, educator standards, and
certification. Retrieved on April, 23, 2006, from
Thomas, R. M. (2005). Teachers doing research: An introductory guidebook. Boston :
Allyn and Bacon.
Thompson, B. (2004). Exploratory and confirmatory: Factor analysis. Washington , DC : American Psychological
A: Survey Instrument
Demographic Data
This is a
survey study concerned with the barriers ESL teachers face when using
approach in south Texas
Shao-Chieh Lu
My gender is: (Mark only one)
□ Female
□ Male
I currently teach the following grade level: (Mark only one)
□ Elementary (K-6)
□ Middle school (7-9)
□ High school (10-12)
□ College
□ ESL/ EFL private school
How many years have you taught second language learners: (Mark only one)
□ Less than 5 years
□ 5-9 years
□10-14 years
□15-19 years
□ More than 20 years
My highest educational degree is best described as: (Mark only one)
□ Non-degreed
□ Undergraduate
□ Masters
□ Doctorate
SECTION 2. Financial
agree= 5, Often agree= 4, Usually agree= 3, Sometimes agree= 2, and
Never agree= 1.
is provided for technology in ESL programs.
1 2 3
4 5
for ESL programs supports the web-based activities.
1 2 3 4 5
is funding for ESL teachers on technology training.
1 2 3
4 5
supports the maintenance of computer hardware and software.
1 2 3
4 5
provides computer labs in ESL programs.
1 2 3
4 5
SECTION 3. Availability of Computer
Hardware and Software
agree= 5, Often agree= 4, Usually agree= 3, Sometimes agree= 2, and
Never agree= 1.
I use
a computer lab for language teaching.
1 2 3
4 5
access ESL software from lab or library at my school.
1 2 3 4
school integrates the web into ESL curriculums.
1 2 3 4
access is available to ESL classrooms.
1 2 3 4
is technology based materials for ESL teachers.
1 2 3 4
SECTION 4. Technical and Theoretical
agree= 5, Often agree= 4, Usually agree= 3, Sometimes agree= 2, and
Never agree= 1.
I adapt technology skills
in teaching ESL.
1 2 3
4 5
intend to advance my knowledge on the CALL approach.
1 2 3
4 5
I use
PowerPoint or multimedia as a teaching tool.
1 2 3
4 5
computer-based materials, I provide content addressing specific ELL
needs. (ELL
refers to English Language Learner )
1 2
3 4 5
SECTION 5. Acceptance of Technologies
agree= 5, Often agree= 4, Usually agree= 3, Sometimes agree= 2, and
Never agree= 1.
help me save a lot of time on preparing lesson plans.
1 2 3
4 5
think the CALL approach inspires English language learners.
1 2 3 4
enjoy teaching ESL through technology.
1 2 3 4
feel free to learn the new technology skills for teaching ESL.
1 2 3 4
In my
opinion, the CALL approach offers
opportunities for better language practice.
1 2
3 4 5
SECTION 6. Open-ended Questions
Does your institute or
university provide Internet classes or Web-based classes for students?
Have you taught a class through the Internet or Web? If yes, do you
have any kind of experience in these classes that you would like to
In your opinion, what are
the barriers on the use of computer assisted language learning?
Do you think teaching
through technology can inspire the students in learning?
Which teaching style do
you prefer? Traditional teaching program or teaching through the
technology? Or both of them?
Do you have any kind of
suggestions that come from your teaching experience or learning
experience on computer assisted language learning (CALL) approach?
B: Letter of Request for Superintendent
request approval to conduct the study
I am
presently conducting research for my master graduate research project
on the
Barriers ESL Teachers Face When Using CALL Approach in South Texas . This study is in cooperation with
the department of Bilingual Education in Texas A & M
University-Kingsville, and under the guidance and direction of Dr.
Roberto Torres, associate professor of the Bilingual Education program.
For the purpose of my
research study, after your approval and the principals’ approval, a
short survey will be delivered to your school campus. I would sincerely
appreciate your approval and permission for me to conduct this survey
in your Independent
School District
I will be happy to share
the results of my study with you after the completion of this study. I
truly appreciate your time and support of this project.
Please reply to this
letter at your earliest convenience and notify me of your approval.
Shao-Chieh Lu
Tel. 361-593-2922
To Whom It May Concern:
I gave the permission to
Shao-Chieh Lu to conduct the survey at
(Name of School)
(Print your name)à
This research project has
been approved by the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Human Research
Committee, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, which may be contacted at
C: Letter of Request for Principal
request approval to conduct the study
I am
presently conducting research for my master graduate research project
on the
Barriers ESL Teachers Face When Using CALL Approach in South Texas . This study is in cooperation with
the department of Bilingual Education in Texas A & M
University-Kingsville, and under the guidance and direction of Dr.
Roberto Torres, associate professor of the Bilingual Education program.
For the purpose of my
research study, after your approval and the principals’ approval, a
short survey will be delivered to your school campus. I would sincerely
appreciate your approval and permission for me to conduct this survey
in your Independent
School District
I will be happy to share
the results of my study with you after the completion of this study. I
truly appreciate your time and support of this project.
Please reply to this
letter at your earliest convenience and notify me of your approval.
Shao-Chieh Lu
Tel. 361-593-2922
To Whom
It May Concern:
I gave
the permission to Shao-Chieh Lu to conduct the survey at
of School)
your name)à
This research project has
been approved by the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Human Research
Committee, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, which may be contacted at
APPENDIX D: Consent Form
questionnaire you have received is used to investigate how you teach
through computers or technology. The survey usually takes 20~30 minutes
to complete. There is no right or wrong answer. Please feel free to
answer ALL the questions according to your teaching experience.
Responses will only be used for the purpose of this study. Thank you
for your participation.
Sincerely yours,
Shao-Chieh Lu
in M.Ed
understand the purpose of this survey. I understand that the researcher
will not use my name in any way. Therefore, I volunteer to participate
in this survey. I give permission to the researcher to use all the
information in her study. I have been informed by the principal
investigator of this project, Shao-Chieh Lu, of this and understand
that there is no cost, risk or threat to my safety as I participate in
this survey. I have also been informed that my name or any other
identifying personal information will not be disclosed at any time,
even during or after I have completed the survey and that the data will
be used for research purposes or for a presentation at conferences. My
participation is limited to answering the survey and addressing follow
up questions when necessary; and I may discontinue my participation in
this project at any time without any consequences.
Date: _________________________
This research project has
been approved by the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Human Research
Committee, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, which may be contacted at
Received 19 May 2006; revised manuscript received 14 Aug 2006

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