Online Learning, Quality,
and Illinois Community Colleges
Deborah L. G. Hutti
Associate Vice President for Educational Services
Lake Land College
Mattoon, Illinois 61938
In 2005,
the Illinois Community Colleges Online (ILCCO) conducted a
survey of faculty, staff, and students in order to identify
the pressing issues surrounding quality, retention, and
capacity building related to online learning. Over a six
month period, nearly one thousand individuals from seventeen
Illinois community colleges provided data relevant to these
three issues. The following article focuses on the issue of
quality and online learning, and the information obtained
related to quality.
The data
collection method included three different tools: an
electronic survey of faculty, staff, and students; a focus
group that included faculty, staff, and students; and
interviews with select faculty, staff, and students. The
results of the analysis of the data collected indicated that
faculty, staff, and students agreed on the quality
benchmarks that were most important and least important to
online learning.
addition, components for maintaining and improving the
quality of online learning were identified.
Online, Online Learning, Quality, Community College,
Distance Learning
Online Learning in
Technology has impacted
learning at an extraordinary pace, perhaps like no other
innovation in previous years, decades, and centuries.
According to Seagren and Watwood, (1996) “Distance education
[specifically virtual classrooms] may have a greater impact
on the nature of higher education than any innovation since
the invention of the printing press” (p. 1). In 1998, data
showed that there were approximately 1.7 million enrollments
in all distance education courses in the United States with
approximately 1.4 enrollments at the postsecondary level.
Ten percent of all undergraduate students enrolled in at
least one distance education course from 1999 to 2000 with
two-thirds of all distance education enrollments via online
learning (Sikora & Carroll, 2002). During the 2000-2001
academic year, there were approximately 3.1 million
enrollments in distance at the postsecondary level (U.S.
Department of Education, 2003). Amazingly, the concept of
technology driven teaching and learning moved from unique
and unusual to mainstream and ubiquitous within a very short
period of time (Blumenstyk, 1998; Milliron, 2000; Milliron &
Miles, 2000; Selingo, 1998).
to the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Fall Enrollment
Survey, fall 2004 headcount enrollment was 801,548 which
included all public and private, four year and two year
institutions of higher learning within the state of Illinois
(IBHE, 2005). During that same time period, Illinois
colleges and universities reported that of the 801,548 total
enrollments, 80,165 were classified as online (IVC, 2005).
Illinois colleges and universities had offered 5,279 online
course sections (IVC, 2005) which represented a 41% increase
from the fall 2003 semester. The tremendous growth of
online enrollment within the state of Illinois during this
time period can be considered substantial; however, the
change from fall 2003 to fall 2004 represents only one year
of a phenomenal pattern that has occurred over the past
seven years. Since 1999, fall online enrollments have
increased from 5,887 in 1999 to over 80,165 in 2004 (IVC,
majority of the online enrollment during fall 2004 occurred
within Illinois independent colleges and universities
(34,075) followed by the Illinois public community colleges
(33,405), and the
Illinois public universities (12,685) (IVC, 2005). Yet the vast
majority of the online enrollment within
independent colleges and universities were classified as
out-of state with only 27% enrollment classified as
in-state. The converse was true for
Illinois public universities and
public community colleges with the majority of their
enrollment (84% and 97% respectively) classified as in
In January
2003, Washburn surveyed directors of online learning at 66
different Illinois institutions of higher education in order
to assess their perceptions of online learning (IVC,
2003). He found that most online courses used within these
institutions (80%) were developed by individual faculty
members and that 85% of the institutions planned on
increasing their online courses and programs in the future.
There seems to be strong emphasis within
higher education to continue to meet the growing demand for
online learning by relying on faculty experts to create new
courses and programs.
Learning and
Community Colleges
From recent
enrollment data, it seems as if students at Illinois
Community Colleges have embraced online learning. Over a
five year period, fall enrollment more than tripled,
increasing from 9,403 in fall 2000 to 33,405 in fall 2004.
The fall 2004 online enrollment represented 9.2% of the
total enrollment (363,204) at Illinois public community
colleges during that same semester (IBHE, 2005).
In order to
support the rapid growth in online enrollment throughout the
State of Illinois, a variety of support initiatives have
emerged. Several of these initiatives thrive due to support
received at the state and federal level and they include the
Illinois Community Colleges Online (ILCCO) [],
the Illinois Online Conference (IOC) [],
the Illinois Virtual Campus (IVC) [],
the Illinois Online Network (ION) [],
the Illinois Virtual High School (IVHS) [],
the Illinois Century Network (ICN) [],
and the Illinois Digital Library (IDAL) [].
Each one of these initiatives provides a level of support
for online learning at the community college level as well
as support for online learning throughout all higher
education in Illinois and beyond.
and Online Learning
though one of the most nebulous and subjective educational
concepts regardless of academic area, has been a key issue
within higher education. And as with any significant
teaching and learning movement within higher education, as
the enrollment has grown, the desire among higher education
professionals to ensure quality within the online framework
has grown as well. In 2000, Phipps and Merisotis identified
benchmarks for online learning success (Institute for Higher
Education Policy [IHEP], 2000). This IHEP publication,
which provides a listing of 24 benchmarks considered to be
“essential” to ensuring quality within online teaching and
learning, is one of the most requested of all IHEP documents
In fall of 2003, the 19 community colleges and senior
institutions of higher learning throughout the state of
Maryland received funding from the Fund for the Improvement
of Post-Secondary Education to “create and implement a
process to certify the quality of online courses and online
components.” Dubbed Quality Matters, (,
this initiative is one of the most extensive, relevant, and
current studies to have investigated quality as it relates
to online learning (see As part of
the FIPSE grant supporting this initiative, the Quality
Matters research team assembled a literature review tied
to a Matrix of Review Standards that provides sound insight
into the terms quality and online learning (see
In 2002,
the state of
concluded a study of student experiences in online learning
throughout Connecticut institutions of higher education.
Upon completion of their study, they noted that faculty
played an important role in the success of students in
online environments, as well as flexibility, discipline,
communication, and student support systems (Burton and
Goldsmith, 2002).
and Connecticut are certainly not the only states that have
sought to ensure quality as it relates to online learning.
In December of 2005, Ohio produced its first annual report
of the state of e-learning throughout its higher education
system (Ohio Learning Network, 2005). Ohio’s e-learning
enrollment had grown to over 37,000 students in the fall of
2004 which represented an increase of approximately 10,000
students over the fall of 2003. Upon completion of the data
analysis, they concluded that further study in three areas
(finance, new markets, and impact on learning) was essential
in the future. In addition, four
institutions were selected for case-studies. All four
indicated that quality was a top concern. They found no
significant difference between face to face learning and
online learning within the selected measured student
outcomes that focused on quality (Ohio Learning Network,
2005). Student respondents to the
Ohio case study indicated that they assess the quality of an
online course in the same way that they assess the quality
of a face-to-face course. They believe that the quality of
the instructor is a key indicator of the quality of all
courses, face to face as well as online (Ohio Learning
Network, 2005).
Online Learning, Quality, and
asked the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) at each of the 49 Illinois Community Colleges to identify the key
research interests for their respective colleges in regards
to online learning. Over a six month period and after a
great deal of discussion, the CAOs identified the following
as the top three key interests: a) Quality – in particular,
the quality of online courses; b) Capacity – in particular,
the capacity of Illinois community colleges to attract and
enroll students in online courses, to increase the number
and types of online offerings, and to recruit more faculty
to design and teach online courses; and c) Retention – in
particular, the retention of students in online courses.
Based on this feedback, ILCCO began the process of
researching all three areas with a strong and determined
focus on the issue of quality.
The Purpose of the Study
Online learning, whether a semester long credit class or a
short non-credit professional development activity is a
critical teaching and learning activity in the 21st
century. As the number of students involved in online
learning increases, the expertise of those willing to lead
such learning must increase as well. In 1970, there were a
nominal number of computers connected to the internet. With
little time elapsing between the Internet explosion and the
present, the interim period available for intensive study
has been quite brief. The unparalleled growth in online
learning as a whole has not allowed for adequate, thorough,
and methodical research to be completed covering issues like
quality, capacity, and retention. As the popularity of
online learning continues to increase, so, too, does the
need for continued research concerning such issues, in
particular quality. However, since the birth of online
learning within community colleges throughout the state of
Illinois and because of the brief amount of time that online
learning has been available, only nominal research regarding
any aspect of quality as it relates to online learning had
been collected or analyzed.
The study began by focusing on the identification of
benchmarks considered important by students, faculty, and
staff when considering quality as it relates to online
learning. The study used (with permission) the 24 quality
benchmarks identified by the Institute for Higher Education
Policy as a springboard. In addition, the investigation of
quality was directed by the following questions:
What do
students believe are important benchmarks of quality in
online learning?
What does
faculty believe are important benchmarks of quality in
online learning?
What do
staff members believe are important benchmarks of quality
in online learning?
The Participants
Of the 49 public community colleges in
17 were selected for participation in this study. Community
colleges were selected based on their size, geographic
location, enrollment, online learning enrollment, and
willingness to participate. Two distinct groups of
community colleges were identified. Group I consisted of 12
community colleges considered to be representative of all
Illinois community colleges. Group II consisted of nine
community colleges, based on self-nomination, as having
special programs for the development and offering of online
learning. There were four community colleges that were in
both Groups I and II. All participants in Group I
completed an online survey. All participants in Group II
completed an online survey and were interviewed by telephone
or participated in an on-campus focus group.
All faculty members who were teaching online courses during
the fall of 2003 and all staff members who were directly
dedicated to supporting online courses at that time were
asked to participate. Finally, the student sample requested
from each participating community college to complete an
online survey was based on an institution’s total online
enrollment in fall 2003. Table 1 displays the percentage of
students asked to participate in the study as determined by
the institution’s total online enrollment in fall 2003:
Table 1. Guide Used to Determine an Institution’s
Student Sample Size |
Total Enrollment in Online Classes Fall 2003 |
Sample Size Percentage |
500-1000 |
30% |
1000-1500 |
20% |
Over 1500 |
10% |
After incomplete and duplicate entries were eliminated, 1024
respondents provided valid responses to the survey
distributed as follows: a) 42 staff members, b) 177 faculty
members, and c) 805 students.
Respective to Group II, researchers contacted three faculty
members and one staff member at each college location and
conducted a 45 minute phone interview. In addition, each
college in Group II set up a focus group consisting of fall
2003 online students that met with researchers for
approximately 90 minutes.
The Instruments
The Online Surveys
As discussed earlier, the surveys developed for this study
were based on the Institute for Higher Education Policy’s 24
(IHEP, 2000) with a separate survey designed with
appropriate wording for each group of participants (faculty,
staff, and students). All surveys, regardless of respective
respondents, were housed and completed via the ILCCO website
and all response data were maintained, collected, and
managed by ILCCO’s webmaster. All survey information was
submitted anonymously in order to protect the
confidentiality of the participants. To prevent duplicate
submissions, each person asked to complete the survey
received a clearance code that could only be used once to
gain access to the survey instrument.
The first section of each online survey asked respondents for
demographic information which assisted researchers in
developing an accurate picture of faculty, staff, and
students involved in online learning. The second section of
the survey asked respondents questions regarding quality and
online learning. Using a four point Likert Scale (Strongly
Agree = 4, Agree = 3, Disagree = 2, and Strongly Disagree =
1), respondents were asked to rank the importance of IHEP’s
quality benchmarks. In addition, using the same four point
Likert Scale (Strongly Agree = 4, Agree = 3, Disagree = 2,
and Strongly Disagree = 1), respondents were provided with
an opportunity to indicate whether or not the quality
benchmark was occurring at their respective institution.
The researchers selected one
Community College who was not among the Group I or Group II
participants to pilot test the online surveys. Once
comments were received, the researchers made appropriate
changes accordingly.
In order to complete the faculty and staff interviews, the
researchers developed a list of key interview questions. One
set was developed for faculty and one set was developed for
staff, with both sets being very similar allowing for
differences when discussing areas relevant to job
activities. The key interview questions were used when
speaking with interviewees via telephone. The average
length of time for the interviews was approximately 1 hour.
The list of nineteen questions included a few demographic
questions in order to allow the researchers to describe the
setting / framework of those interviewed.
The Focus
The researchers developed a separate set of focus group
questions that were used to guide the student focus groups.
The focus group questions were similar to the interview
questions asked via telephone of the faculty and staff;
however, the focus group questions were tailored to student
activities. The only demographic information collected was
the number of students who attended the focus group
All faculty, staff, and students who either participated in
telephone interviews or participated in focus groups were
also asked to complete the online survey. In addition to
the online surveys and to the interviews and focus groups,
an environmental scan of online learning within three state
systems (Colorado,
New York, and Texas) was completed to help provide a frame
of reference for data collected within Illinois.
Online Survey Data Collection
To begin the data collection process, the surveys were placed
on an ILCCO website. The CAOs were contacted and asked to
direct faculty, staff, and students from their respective
institution to the website. The researchers sent
instructions to the CAOs at the participating Illinois
Community Colleges which provided details regarding the
entire process and included a deadline for survey
completion. The ILCCO webmaster developed a data
collection system that funneled response data received from
the respondents through the website to a spreadsheet that
could be manipulated during the data analysis process.
Completion of the online survey was on a volunteer basis,
and all information received from the surveys was held
and Focus Group Data Collection
To begin the interview and focus group process, the CAOs were
contacted and asked to submit names and contact information
for at least three faculty members teaching online courses
during the spring of 2005 and at least one staff member who
was providing direct support for online learning during the
same semester to the interview team. The CAOs were also
asked to assemble a group of students who were enrolled in
online courses during spring 2005 and who were willing to
participate in a focus group session. The researchers sent
the list of interview and focus group questions to the CAOs
for their review prior to the activities.
Data Analysis
Creswell (2003) described data analysis as an ongoing process
with continual reflection, involving data that has been
obtained by the researcher from the participants that had
been tailored to the specific strategy used in the study.
Merriam (2001) defined it as “the process of making sense
out of the data” (p. 178). Best and Kahn (1998) discussed
changes in data analysis respective to the advent of the use
of the computer and acknowledged that the computer as “one
of the most versatile and ingenious developments of the
technological age” has significantly altered the way in
which researchers analyze data. It has simplified
complicated research designs and the data analysis process
(p. 428).
The data analysis for the survey portion of this study
included the reporting of the number of valid responses, or
useable responses returned from the respondents, as well as
the number of missing responses or the number of invalid
responses. The data analysis also included the frequency of
each type of response, the percentage of the total
responses, the percentage of the valid responses, and the
cumulative percentages of the valid responses. All relevant
quantitative data collected were analyzed using means,
standard deviations, medians, and modes. All data were
collected and placed in an Excel workbook, using separate
spreadsheets to assist when necessary.
Using the statistical calculation formula features within the
Excel workbooks, all statistical calculations were
calculated for all questions that had been assigned Likert
scales. The calculations were completed on an aggregate
basis as well as an individual basis when necessary.
Finally, the qualitative data provided by the respondents
throughout the interviews and the focus groups were analyzed
by transcribing and placing all information into searchable
Excel tables and seeking repetition of words, phrases,
themes, and concepts. An attempt was made to identify
comment characteristics that had been repeated not only by
an individual respondent, but by multiple respondents in
multiple interviews and focus groups. The more words,
phrases, themes, or concepts had been repeated, the greater
importance they were presumed to play.
The Survey Respondents
Students. According to the demographic data collected via the surveys, 45.6% of
the respondents were between 18 to 25 years of age. That
percentage mirrors the percentage of total students age 25
or younger (45.7%) enrolled during fiscal year 2004 within
the Illinois Community College System (Illinois Community
College Board, 2004). The majority of the respondents were
full-time students (57%) with a very even distribution of
first year students (35%), second year students (30.7%) and
students having completed at least four college semesters
(33.4%). Seventy-five percent of the respondents were
employed. Sixty percent of the employed respondents were
employed full-time.
In addition, 39.7% of the respondents were new to online
learning, having enrolled in an online course for the first
time. Most respondents (53.6%) were enrolled in only one
online course during spring 2005, with 27% enrolled in two
online courses and 18.2% enrolled in 3-4 online courses.
An overwhelming 84.8% of respondents stated that they were
using their home computers to complete their courses. The
remainder of the respondents identified using workplace
computers (7.1%), school computers (5.1%), or computers
located at other locations (3%). The majority of the survey
respondents stated that their technology expertise was at an
advanced level (58%), with 31% stating that they were at an
intermediate level and 10.2% at a novice level.
Faculty. According to the demographic data collected from the faculty
respondents to the survey, overall they were a very
experienced group. Over 70 % of the faculty respondents had
more than 10 years teaching experience (including K-12,
community college, and university experience) with 15.4%
having 6 to 10 years experience and 12.3% having 2-5 years
experience. Over 54% of the respondents had taught for more
than 10 years in a community college setting, and 45.2% had
taught more than 10 years at their current institution. Not
only did the respondents have strong experience levels, the
majority (57%), albeit narrow, was full-time faculty.
Nearly 37% of the respondents taught between 12-24 credit
hours face-to-face during the combined fall 2004 and spring
2005 academic semesters, with 24.8% having taught between
1-11 credit hours. Furthermore, the respondents had a high
level of experience teaching online with 57.6% having taught
courses online between two to five years and 25% between six
to ten years. More than 60% had taught online for their
current institution between two to five years, and 61% had
taken an online course as a student. The overwhelming
majority of the faculty respondents rated their
tech; The survey respondents categorized as online support staff provided
similar demographic information as the faculty respondents.
Three fourths of the staff respondents had been in their
current position for five years or less, with 17.5% in their
position less than one year, 12.5% between 6-10 years and
12.5% more than ten years. Nearly 58% had been employed at
their current institution in some capacity for at least six
years and 65% had spent at least six years employed in a
community college setting. Nearly 60% of the staff
respondents indicated that no less than 40% of their
workload was devoted to online learning. Approximately one
fourth of the staff respondents had online teaching
experience and slightly more than 50% had been a student in
an online course. Three fourths of the staff respondents
rated their technology expertise as advanced and one fourth
rated it as intermediate.
Participants Interviewed. As all individuals who participated in the interview
/ focus groups were asked and expected to complete the
online survey, the demographic information corresponded to
that collected through the survey. Some additional
information was gathered that provides some additional
details about the participants interviewed. One faculty
participant interviewed had taught over 100 online sections,
and one was teaching online for the first time. The faculty
participants taught a wide variety of course including
composition, history, humanities, mathematics, speech,
psychology, science, word processing, automated office
technology, management, accounting, criminal justice,
nursing, and computer technology. The staff supporting
online learning did so in a variety of ways including
instructional design, technical training, course management
support, faculty website development, internal online
committee participation, and institutional representation on
statewide online learning initiatives. Nearly 100% of the
staff participants interviewed reported to the academic side
of the college.
The Quality
Throughout the survey, all three groups of respondents were
asked to rate the importance of each quality benchmark using
a four point Likert Scale (Strongly Agree = 4, Agree = 3,
Disagree = 2, and Strongly Disagree = 1). Table 2 displays
the benchmarks with the highest means based on all
respondents (see Table 2). Table 3 displays the
benchmarks with the lowest means based on all respondents
(see Table 3).
Table 2. Quality
Rated Most Important Based on Highest Means – All
Benchmark |
Mean |
Technical assistance in course development is available
to faculty |
3.75 |
college-wide system, such as Blackboard or WebCT,
supports and facilitates
the online courses. |
3.70 |
are encouraged to use technical assistance in course
development |
3.68 |
give constructive feedback on student assignments and to
their questions |
3.66 |
are assisted in the transition from classroom teaching
to online instruction |
3.65 |
institution has a documented technology plan |
3.63 |
give feedback to students in a timely manner |
3.62 |
starting, students are advised about the course to
determine if they have
access to the technology required by the course design |
3.61 |
starting, student are aware of course objectives,
concepts, ideas
and learning outcomes |
3.60 |
technology is reliable and failsafe. |
3.60 |
Table 3. Quality
Rated Least Important Based on Lowest Means – All
Benchmark |
Mean |
Instructor training and assistance, including peer
mentoring, continues throughout the online course |
3.47 |
educational effectiveness of the online courses between
institution is assessed through an institutional
evaluation |
3.47 |
Students are actively engaged in analysis, syntheses,
and evaluation as part of their online course and
program requirements |
3.47 |
educational effectiveness of the teaching/learning
process is assessed through an institutional evaluation |
3.46 |
online courses address student learning styles |
3.44 |
Students have access to a virtual library |
3.39 |
Students are provided with online information and
hands-on training on library resources |
3.32 |
Data on
enrollment, costs, and successful innovative uses of
technology are used to evaluate program effectiveness |
3.30 |
are encouraged and aided in sharing online courses
between institutions |
3.08 |
The data collected were also separated according to the
distinct respondent groups of faculty, staff, and student.
Upon completing appropriate statistical analysis, none of
the mean scores of the individual faculty, staff, and
student groups were found to be different at a statistical
significant level of .05. In addition, the faculty and
staff were grouped according to several other distinctions
including: 1) faculty who had taken classes online and those
who had not, 2) faculty who had taught fewer than six
sections online and those who had taught six or more
sections online, 3) those who identified their computer
skills as novice, intermediate, and expert, and 4) staff who
had taught online and those who had not. Students were
divided into various groups as well including: 1) those who
were 25 years or younger and those who were 26 and older, 2)
those who were employed full-time and those who were either
employed part-time or not employed, 3) those who had taken
two or fewer online courses, those who had taken three or
four online courses, and those who had taken five or more,
and 4) those who identified their computer skills as novice,
intermediate, and expert. For each of these groups,
multivariate tests were completed in regards to the means of
their responses and the quality benchmarks. As a result of
this analysis, no statistically significant differences were
found between the means of any of the groups. The lack of
statistically significant differences reinforced the
consistency among the groups as far as the ranking of the
quality benchmarks.
Following their rating of the importance of each quality
benchmark, the respondents were asked to rate the extent to
which the quality benchmarks were occurring at their
respective institution. Again, the respondents used a four
point Likert Scale (Strongly Agree = 4, Agree = 3, Disagree
= 2, and Strongly Disagree = 1) to complete the survey.
Table 4 shows the means of the responses received regarding
the extent to which they believed that the quality benchmark
occurred at the respondents’ respective institutions.
Again, upon
completing appropriate statistical analysis, none of the
mean scores of the individual faculty, staff, and student
groups were found to be different at a statistical
significant level of .05; however, it is notable that the
faculty means were discernibly higher than those of students
in regards to 1) student interaction with faculty and
students, 2) the timeliness of faculty feedback, 3) the
agreement on expectations for assignments, and 4) students’
access to technology assistance. In addition, the faculty
means were notably higher than those of the staff on: 1)
the constructive quality of faculty feedback, 2) the
timeliness of faculty feedback, 3) instruction in proper
methods of research, 4) online information and training
given on library resources, and 5) the assessment of
teaching and learning. Finally, the means of the staff
responses were higher than students on: 1) students’ access
to virtual library, 2) students’ access to technical
assistance, 3) timely responses from student services, and
4) the system of feedback about online courses.
Table 4. Extent to which Quality
Benchmark Occurs at Institution of Respondent based on Mean
Student |
Staff |
Faculty |
Reliable and failsafe technology |
3.33 |
3.30 |
3.15 |
College-wide computer system |
3.66 |
3.70 |
3.68 |
Instructional materials reviewed |
3.32 |
2.84 |
2.89 |
reviewed periodically |
3.35 |
2.82 |
2.90 |
Students engaged in analysis |
3.26 |
3.11 |
3.14 |
interact with faculty and other students |
3.36 |
3.43 |
3.28 |
interaction is facilitated through a variety of ways |
3.32 |
3.39 |
3.48 |
give constructive feedback on student assignments |
3.41 |
3.35 |
3.46 |
give feedback to students in a timely manner |
3.34 |
3.30 |
3.45 |
Students instructed in proper methods of research |
3.30 |
2.74 |
3.02 |
starting, students advised about the course to see if
they are committed |
3.40 |
3.18 |
3.01 |
starting, students advised about technology required by
course |
3.42 |
3.35 |
3.13 |
starting, students aware of course objectives, concepts,
learning outcomes |
3.41 |
3.35 |
3.31 |
Students have access to virtual library |
3.12 |
3.25 |
3.19 |
and students agree on expectations for assignments
completion and faculty responses |
3.36 |
3.09 |
3.12 |
information about programs, admission, requirements,
etc. |
3.33 |
3.22 |
3.36 |
Students provided with information on library resources |
2.99 |
2.75 |
2.87 |
Students have access to technical assistance |
3.62 |
3.48 |
services answer students’ questions in a timely manner |
3.20 |
3.36 |
3.26 |
services answer students’ questions accurately |
3.23 |
3.28 |
3.26 |
Educational effectiveness of course is assessed through
institutional evaluation |
3.28 |
2.69 |
2.46 |
Teaching / learning is assessed |
3.24 |
2.56 |
2.76 |
for feedback about online courses |
3.19 |
3.40 |
3.23 |
courses address learning styles |
3.10 |
2.91 |
2.90 |

The Interviews
At the
conclusion of the interview and focus group activities,
faculty, staff, and students consistently identified four
components necessary for quality online learning programs
including: 1) a strong administrative support team that
collaborates with its faculty throughout the online learning
process, 2) a system for continuous improvement of online
teaching and learning, 3) reliable technology and reliable
technical assistance, and 4) strong faculty, staff, and
student online teaching and learning preparation /
orientation programs. Throughout this study, the faculty,
staff, and students were in nearly universal agreement that
there was no significant difference between online teaching
and learning. In addition, the majority of the faculty
interviewed stated that the outcomes between the face to
face and online version of the same course were virtually
identical. Through the focus groups and interviews, the
research team was able to extrapolate a list of components
for maintaining and/or improving the quality of online
courses (see Table 5).
Table 5. List of components for maintaining / improving
1. |
Use of
a common course platform through a campus |
2. |
Availability of a well designed professional development
program for faculty and staff preparing online teaching
and learning activities |
3. |
Implementation of a readiness / assessment program for
students selecting online learning |
4. |
Use of
online course assessment tools |
5. |
Adoption of clearly articulated standards and a list of
components for all online courses |
6. |
Conveying a sense of personality by faculty and students
throughout a course |
7. |
Use of
an online course template – standardization |
8. |
Use of
all available technology – low threshold and high
threshold to enhance the learning environment |
9. |
mentoring for faculty and students |
10. |
tutoring |
11. |
readiness assessment for faculty and students |

Throughout the entire study, one conclusion that can be
gleaned is that online learning is in a more mature phase.
The range of data collected during this study in particular
throughout the interviews and focus group activities did not
focus on the original forefront issues within online
learning including those such as its academic credibility,
the calculating of load relative to the online modality, the
calculation of faculty compensation, and ownership issues.
Online learning has moved beyond the initial issues perhaps
and hopefully because those issues have been resolved.
Moreover, the results of this particular study demonstrate a
remarkable cohesiveness among all respondents (faculty,
staff, and students) in terms of their agreement on the
quality benchmarks they found to be both most and least
important. Their unanimity provides credence to the idea
that faculty, staff, and students all have common
expectations in terms of quality and online learning even
though their interaction, use, or activity within this
modality is markedly different. Because of this unanimity,
it can also be concluded that there is a level of confidence
concerning what constitutes or defines online quality among
its daily users.
Of the top ten quality benchmarks considered to be most
important, six were directly related to technology, and of
the nine quality benchmarks considered to be least
important, only one was directly related to technology.
Similarly in terms of the extent to which the quality
benchmarks were occurring at the respondent’s respective
institution, four of the top seven strongest and two of the
top seven weakest quality benchmarks occurring at
institutions involved technology or technical assistance;
however, the remaining three strongest and five weakest
quality benchmarks did not. Overall, the most important and
those strongest occurring quality benchmarks at local
institutions focused on technology. The least important and
those weakest occurring quality benchmarks did not. In
addition, six of the seven strongest occurring quality
benchmarks at local institutions identified by the
respondents appeared within the top ten benchmarks of
greatest importance with the majority focusing on
Within the online learning modality, the technology used as
the teaching and learning framework no doubt is paramount to
its existence which may explain why benchmarks related to
technology were considered most important and why they were
occurring strongly at respondents’ respective institutions.
Of greater interest is why quality benchmarks commonly
associated with quality teaching and learning irrespective
of learning modality were ranked of lesser importance and
occurring to a lesser degree. These findings seem to
indicate that the technological segment of online learning
overshadows the non-technological segment. Issues such as a
strong focus on learning outcomes, evaluation, assessment,
educational effectiveness, and critical feedback should
somehow be of greater value to teaching and learning than
having technical assistance during course development. If
and when the teaching and learning move to the forefront and
the technology becomes simply the offering mechanism, the
measuring of the quality of online learning will be much
easier to complete.
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