The Language of Teaching Well
with Learning Objects
Carla Meskill
University at Albany
State University of New York
Albany, NY
Natasha Anthony
Hudson Valley Community College
Troy, NY
Providing our students access to digital learning objects
is one thing: how we as educators then converse with our
learners about those objects in our online courses – how
we teach using them - is quite another. This paper
discusses the many ways in which instructional
conversations about digital learning objects can be
powerful and powerfully different from how we have
traditionally taught with analog realia (textbooks,
worksheets, overheads) and how such conversations can be
enriched through awareness of digital learning object
attributes and their potential roles in instructional
conversations. A brief introduction to the concept of
instructional conversations is followed by discussion of
the attributes of learning objects that can serve
instructional conversations well. The anatomy of resulting
instructional conversations then serves as the foundation
for direct application in teaching and learning. Samples
of the language that can be used when teaching in concert
with learning objects are then provided and discussed.
instructional conversations, digital learning objects,
language in education, online instructional strategies
Education happens in conversations where the combined
mental resources of teacher and learner are focused on
developing the learner’s understanding.
Neil Mercer, Words and Mind.
Language in Teaching and Learning
Language - written, spoken, and hybrid online talk - is
our medium of teaching and learning. It is often an
unstated fact that excellent educators have an excellent
command of language. Moreover, whether it is listening to
an instructor or reading her words, it is those words that
mediate students’ learning. Indeed, teaching and learning
is principally about students mastering the language of
the discipline and thereby becoming literate members of
the target discipline community. This literacy translates
into one’s being skilled at reading, speaking, writing,
and comprehending discipline-specific discourse with some
fluency and it is this fluency that we typically expect of
students in higher education,
be it talk and writing about poetry or talk and
writing about particle physics. We assess the degree to
which students have achieved this fluency through their
performance on examinations and through the extent to
which their written work reflects their control over the
target content as expressed through the discourse norms of
the target discipline community.
this view that language and its disciplinary complexities
are central to teaching and learning, we understand that
simple information is not sufficient for learning. True,
discrete elements are the building blocks for eventual
fluency, but mastery of the target content and the
discipline-specific ways it is expressed is certainly
not about students repeating back easily grasped
absolutes. It is the command of various ways of
understanding and expressing the complexities of the
information that constitutes true learning (Brown and
Campione, 1994; diSessa, 2000; Gee, 2004). Contemporary
teaching and learning is about learners grappling with
messy and ambiguous realities and learning to critically
and articulately make sense of them from a variety of
perspectives in the language appropriate to the content
and context. To do so, students master the language of the
discipline as their primary tool.
full-fledged members of our discipline communities, we
have mastered our disciplines’ discourses, both the
written and spoken language and the ways of thinking
germane to that discipline. When we teach, we apprentice
learners in doing the same. We nurture their linguistic
and conceptual growth by initiating them into disciplinary
ways of knowing and communicating. Traditional forms of
this discourse initiation are through students being
passively exposed to classroom/instructional language
whereby instructors are the center of attention and tasks
are instructor-centered. If we consider the optimal ways
that humans learn – through engaging in productive,
generative, problem solving interaction with others in
natural conversation - the traditional,
instructor-centered classroom is indeed an impoverished
form of teaching and learning. This is reflected in Figure
1 which contrasts the language of traditional classroom
instruction with that of natural communication.
Natural |
Roles |
Fixed |
Negotiated |
Tasks |
Teacher-Oriented |
Group-Oriented |
Position-Centered |
Person-Centered |
Knowledge |
Focus on
Content |
Focus on
process |
Accuracy |
Fluency |
1. Classroom versus natural language (from Kramsch, 1985).
Figure 1 lays out the contrasting features of traditional
classroom language and those of natural conversation. The
impoverishment of traditional classroom language as
compared to the everyday communicative language we thrive
on in social contexts is striking. Where how we
communicate outside the classroom is rich and generative,
traditional classroom language is pointedly not. Where how
we communicate outside of the classroom is oriented to
process and fluency, traditional classroom language is
decidedly not. Where everyday communication tends to be
egalitarian, the teacher-centered, position-centered
nature of traditional classroom language hardly lends
itself to a level playing field. Between these two
contrasting poles lie instructional conversation
strategies that we consider below.
Instructional Conversations
we have discussed, excellent teaching and learning is, in
essence, discursive with successful learning being the
mastery of the targeted disciplinary discourses (Cazden,
1988; Sfard, 2000; Wegerif, Mercer, and Dawes, 1999;
Wickstrom, 2003). It follows that optimal formats for
teaching and learning would thus be through what is known
in the field of education as “instructional
conversations”. As defined by Tharp and Gallimore (1988,
1991), the term “instructional conversation” refers to
productive, interactive verbal strategies used by
educators to engage learners in active thinking,
negotiation of meaning, and, consequently, learning. Such
conversations are thinking and speaking joined
dialectically and thus dynamically to generate engagement
in learning processes and thereby mastery of the target
ways of knowing and communicating. According to Goldenberg
(1991), instructional conversation is about discussing
concepts, not ready answers, with a great degree of
freedom while maintaining a focus on specific learning
goals. It is talk that is socially engaging with the
instructor guiding the conversation without dominating
it. It is collective, cumulative talk that aims toward
shared, mutually generated understanding. It is through
engagement in the discourse of the discipline that
learners ultimately gain access to and membership in that
intellectual community. Learning objects, or aspects of
them, can be readily employed as focal materials in the
endeavor. The following sections discuss some of the
attributes of discursive forms of teaching and learning
online and the anatomy of instructional conversations that
make use of learning objects as conversational complements
and tools.
Digital Learning Objects
the real work of online teaching and learning was once
done with words, it can now be done with words in
orchestration with the digital learning objects we link
to, direct learners to manipulate, discuss, assign, and
refer to in our instructional conversations. Where there
are several characteristics of digital learning objects
that make them unique from traditional, analog learning
objects (slides, worksheets, diagrams, for example),
contemporary digital learning objects fundamentally
differ from the analog in that for the most part they are
designed to be subject to individual student/user control
and therefore subject to independent exploration. In
short, digital learning objects do not always lend
themselves to the static referring we have done with work
sheets and overheads for many decades. Because
contemporary learning objects can be under the control of
individual students, directing their attention becomes a
more challenging, but in the long run more effective, form
of instruction. For, if you refer to a particular outcome
in response to particular student input, then the student
is forced to relocate on her running mental map of the
learning object’s properties, its terrain and related
decisions made. In doing so, learners actively dialog with
the learning object. This dialoging opens up opportunities
to employ the discourse of the discipline actively and
interactively. In this regard, digital learning objects
can offer far more stimulation and discourse-rich
referring than the static page of the textbook.
addition to this overall dy
– anyone can access any time
– anyone can manipulate
– what is on the screen may act unpredictably
– meant to be manipulated independently
they provide the instructional conversation with
Anchored Referents; that is, what is on the screen
can serve as referential tools (from Meskill, Mossop and
Bates, 2000).
that we have these powerful, dynamic representations in
our respective content areas, objects that potentially
enhance our craft, we are left with the question: How can
the attributes of digital learning objects be linked to
the linguistic and be incorporated into the kinds of
online instructional conversations that affect learning?
Instructional Conversation Strategies with Digital
Learning Objects
Given the vast array of digital learning objects at our
disposal (e.g.,, the possibilities for integrating
these into and using them to complement our instructional
conversations with students are indeed endless. Be it for
reinforcing and/or referencing discipline-specific terms
and concepts, or engaging in synthetic talk about complex
processes, the marriage of instructional conversation with
digital learning object can be a solid one.
In our
work with language educators (Meskill and Anthony, 2004,
2005), we have identified a number of online instructional
conversation strategies that can make good use of learning
objects. These are:
Providing linguistic/thinking tools
Encouraging combinatory or synthetic responses
Internal Dialog.
feature of instructional conversations is “connected
utterances”. These are multiple, connected, interactive
turns in conversation (Goldenberg and Patthey-Chavez,
1995) that can be facilitated through referring to and
thus anchoring language to target properties or
characteristics of digital learning objects. This kind of
instructional conversation strategy takes advantage of the
anchored referent feature of digital learning objects and
may, in addition, exploit the public feature insofar as
what is referred to in the instructional conversation
might well be a publicly shared referent.
EXAMPLE: African Drums
Instructional conversations whose aim is student mastery
of names and properties, both visual and auditory, of
different African drums can make systematic reference to
specific drums and their visual and auditory
characteristics. The discourse of drum identification can
be enlivened in many forms through these anchored
referents. Through instructor language making reference to
the visual, textual, and auditory features of each of
these musical instruments, learners can be guided to
incorporate these terms and concepts into their developing
disciplinary discourse. Figure 2 illustrates potential
references that an instructor working with this learning
object can make between the musical term “gankogui”, its
textual description, physical characteristics, sound
representation, three-dimensional appearance, and sample
Figure 2.
both framing and referring to target content/concepts, we
can also use the instructional conversation strategy
“saturating” (Meskill & Anthony, 2004); that is, using a
target word or words repeatedly throughout our
instructional conversations with students to initiate
their acquisition of this target terminology. Given a
digital learning object that contains a target term,
through instructional conversations instructors can
saturate the discourse with that term. There is no greater
way for learning disciplinary vocabulary than to hear it,
read it, and use it repeatedly as part of and in the
context of disciplinary discourse.
EXAMPLE: Classical Genetics
Repetition of the target term “traits” as a natural part
of instructional conversation about its properties in the
description of the concept, audio, video, animation, and
image titles can anchor learner attention appropriately
and the target term can
become a key term in students’ developing disciplinary
repertoire. Instructional conversations can be saturated
with both the target term and the language that describes
the phenomenon as students explore and manipulate the
object. Saturating then reinforces students’
conceptual/linguistic acquisition of target terms and
Figure 3.
We use
the term “corral” to refer to instructional conversation
that corrals or traps students into using specific target
language forms under study. Corralling is achieved through
asking questions, providing topics and tasks, scaffolding
a student’s spoken and written utterances, etc. The
strategy takes special advantage of the malleable and
anarchic features of digital learning objects in that
students’ independent exploration of the object can be
refocused, “corralled”, through instructional
EXAMPLE: Check Mystery
Check Mystery assignment is intended to help learners
learn how “to make inferences from available evidence to
create explanations”. Learners are directed to scrutinize
series of bank checks for the purpose of building and
strengthening a hypothesis based on the evidence. By
asking learners to summarize what they have learned and
answer questions, instructors corral students into using
the target linguistic forms such as “hypothesis”,
“evidence”, “interference”, etc.
Figure 4. Corralling |
Providing linguistic tools
Traditional ways of providing linguistic tools -
disciplinary words and phrases – are via word lists,
glossaries, and, of course, lectures. When we involve
digital learning objects in our instructional
conversations, we can readily point to them as
representing the target terminology. Since these
illustrations are often non-static, learners can not only
see contextualized content, but see that content in
action. The kinds of linked information in the following
sample learning object can be nicely reinforced through
instructor instructional conversation that provides the
conceptual/organization guidance learners need to navigate
and make sense of the specialized content.
ePSYCH, students engage target concepts visually. The
linguistic tools to navigate and make sense of this dense
information can be provided by the instructor through the
construction of tasks that require referencing the correct
vocabulary. Moreover, the features of anchored referents
and the potentially public nature of the object are
supportive in supplying the linguistic tools, in this case
specialized terminology in psychology, for learners to
interact with and master.
Figure 5. Providing Linguistic Tools
Instructional conversations mean that we communicate
disciplinarily. Students indeed learn quite a bit about
the target discourse communities that we model in our
instructional conversations. How we incorporate reference
to a specific learning object in conversation can serve to
illustrate and scaffold the target discourse to make it
that much more accessible.
EXAMPLE: The Water Puzzle
Describing the problem solving processes that a
mathematician undertakes - constructing hypotheses,
manipulating vare of the learning object allows for
student manipulation and enactment of the language and
thinking that gets modeled through instructional
Figure 6.
Encouraging synthetic responses
multi-dimensional and dynamic nature of many learning
objects lends itself well to encouraging learners to
undertake both active problem solving and the synthetic
thinking that can result. By setting learner tasks that
require investigation of multiple facets of a digital
learning object and eventual synthesis of that experience
which they must carefully articulate, students actively
learn to understand and express using the discourse of the
discipline. A WebQuest is an excellent learning object for
such learning.
EXAMPLE: Copabacana Restaurant WebQuest
this WebQuest example, students are assigned a multi-part
task. In the end, students synthesize their work into an
articulate statement of process and findings thus
employing the discourse of the culinary arts in a
communicative way. Both the public nature, whereby
learners interact with one another in public fora, and the
anarchic nature of digital learning objects that render
them open to student exploration and discovery are
particularly well represented by WebQuests.
Figure 7. Encouraging Synthetic Responses
Providing hyperlinks as part of instructional
conversations, indeed all kinds of online conversations,
is commonplace. By doing this, we can provide additional
relevant material and information to the topic at hand.
Indeed, contemporary learners are accustomed to hyperlinks
providing supplemental information to the text with the
purpose of deepening or expanding understanding. This
strategy works well with multimedia learning objects in
the way of inserting subtitles, adding a running slogan,
providing headlines from newspapers and magazines, or
adding hyperlinks to documents.
EXAMPLE: Neuroscience for Kids

Figure 8. Hyperlinking
Internal dialog
instructional strategy can be used in online courses when
instructors working with learning objects try to simulate
live interaction. Instructors ask themselves questions and
answer those questions as if they were students being
asked and answering those questions. This instructional
device calls student attention to the concepts expressed
in appropriate, disciplinary discourse.
EXAMPLE: Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and
Comparing two Javascript applets representing a puzzle and
an optical illusion at,
the instructor involves learners in his internal dialog by
asking and then answering his own questions. By answering
the questions, the instructor calls learners’ attention to
such terms as theorem, measurement, distance, etc.

Figure 9. Internal Dialog
are Instructional Conversation Strategies with Digital
Learning Objects Important?
We see
the use of instructional conversation strategies becoming
increasingly important as 1) online teaching becomes more
widespread; 2) the use of digital learning objects
augments; and 3) a need for training in effective online
instructional language follows suit. In sum, good
instructional communication strategies for nurturing
learners into the target disciplinary discourse that at
the same time capitalizes on the features of digital
learning objects are also important because they can:
responsive to the many studies of online learner
satisfaction that underscore the importance of instructor
engagement through active communication (Swan et al, 2000)
develop learners’ meta-awareness of language forms as they
function in the disciplinary context
as pedagogical frames when considering if and how learning
objects can be incorporated in teaching
thrown into the mix as informed instructional design
decisions are made
-support the development of ‘metapedagogical awareness’
for educators.
Finally, naming such instructional conversation strategies
with digital learning objects can perhaps serve to anchor
our own interdisciplinary conversations about the craft of
teaching and learning.
we return to the core element of teaching and learning –
communication through mutual perspective-taking that gets
mediated through human language – we identify how our
species learns best: from the active negotiation of
meaning with others. Applying this concept to the use of
digital learning objects brings new ways to consider the
substance of teaching and the conversational strategies
that make sense in guiding and immersing our students in
our disciplinary discourse communities. Designing and
conducting conversations that promote learner
participation and consequent development as fluent
communicators is a realm of instruction that digital
learning objects can certainly support and complement
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work is based on a 2006 presentation at the MERLOT
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received 10 Nov 2006; revision received 1 Mar 2007.
work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
2.5 License