use of web logs (“blogs”) has become a popular
addition to many college courses as faculty try to
find new ways to integrate this popular technology
into the classroom. (Beeson, 2005; Quible, 2005;
Ducate, 2005, Glogoff, 2005). By the end of 2004,
32 million Americans said they had read a blog,
eight million Americans had created blogs, and
almost half were created by people under age 30 (Reine,
2005). In fact, Huffaker (2005) cites several
studies that reveal that a significant number of
blog authors are younger than 20. Lenhart (2006)
notes that by 2006, these numbers had increased to
12 million American adults who keep a blog, and 57
million American adults who say they read them.
Thus, students come to the classroom with a facility
for maintaining and communicating through blogs.
Beeson (2005) argues that it is an approach that is
more in keeping with their way of thinking (29).
With the increased popularity of blogs, faculty
members have been integrating them into their
courses to enhance class discussion. Past research
has summarized findings from case studies involving
the use of blogs in a single course (Glogoff, 2003;
Quible, 2005; Ducate, 2005). The authors of this
study, conducted at a business university, assigned
a similar blogging exercise in three different
courses—expository writing, e-commerce, and
government--in order to introduce students to the
use of blogs in their respective disciplines and to
help students prepare for meaningful classroom
discussion. This study finds that by completing the
required readings and then posting discussion
questions and reflections on topics of interest to
which their classmates can respond--essentially
beginning the conversation prior to the class
session--students become more engaged in the course
material. This exercise requires students not only
to read the required course materials but to engage
with them critically in order to move beyond a
superficial understanding of the materials. By
using the same assignment and assessment tool, the
authors found that blogs can be effective in
enhancing class discussion in a range of disciplines
and in integrating liberal learning into
professional programs.
Blogging in the Classroom
Before blogging became a mainstream form of
asynchronous communication over the Internet,
threaded discussion groups had been popular venues
for holding class discussions online. Unlike a blog,
where posts appear in reverse chronological order,
discussion groups are hierarchical, and the newer
material generally appears at the bottom. While
such discussion groups can be a useful classroom
tool, it is also important for students to become
part of the blogging phenomenon that is increasing
in the “real world.” Recently, learning management
systems such as BlackBoardTM have integrated blogs
within their products, and some instructors are
finding that “a course blog offers a possible
alternative to a traditional learning management
system … particularly if students create blogs that
they control and whose content they own”
(Goodwin-Jones, 2006).
Like online threaded discussion groups, blogs are an
easy way to engage in dialogue on the web outside
the classroom. The availability of several blog
providers such as Google’s,, and make it free and easy to set up,
manage, and update blogs frequently and without
additional support. By using blogs “students
become familiar with blogging, a tool now used by an
ever-increasing number of employers to support
routine operating functions” (Quible, 2005, p. 76).
underlying technology behind blogging makes it an
improvement over discussion groups for classroom
use. While one may “check in” with a favorite blog
occasionally to see if there is any new content
posted by visiting the blog’s website, blogs were
designed so that the reader does not have to do
this. Blogs make use of a “publish-subscribe”
model, in which the author publishes content, and
subscribers use a program called an aggregator,
which checks the blog periodically and then notifies
the subscriber that new content has been posted.
This method of really simple syndication (RSS) is
possible because the content of the blog is
represented in a standard XML (extensible markup
language) format enabling aggregators to check and
manage any new content. Those who manage several
class blogs, or those who subscribe to many
different blogs, will find the ability to subscribe
to a blog and let an aggregator do all of the
management work, to be valuable. This aggregator
functionality is now standard in versions of web
browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox
through the use of live bookmarks.
Since blogs are a fairly recent pedagogical tool,
new scholarship has emerged that points to its
benefits in the classroom. The ability of students
and faculty to easily update an online journal
promotes blogging as a new form of communication to
enhance class discussion and to create a community
outside the classroom. Flatley (2005) argues that
the technological medium provides a space where
students can interact with one another, and it can
open up the classroom space "where discussions are
continued and where every student gets an equal
voice" (p. 77). In addition, blogs can promote
collaboration (Flatley, 2005; Williams & Jacobs,
2004; Oravec, 2002).
Blogs in the classroom are sometimes used as “online
diaries” where students write about their own
experiences or share their ideas related to course
topics. However, the power of a blog comes when
others interact with an individual’s posts, creating
a forum for discussion and conversation. Blogs may
contain the written word, but more blog providers
(such as now offer services such as
posting pictures and hyperlinks to other websites or
uploading multimedia files. One benefit of having
access to direct links embedded in weblogs, Oravec
(2002) argues, is that "students can access the
weblogs of individuals about whom they have gained
considerable background information and reflective
insight over time" (p. 617).
contrast to more traditional forums for online
discussion, blogs are open to the world to see. This
provides visibility for students to share their
ideas with the larger world. Quible (2005) says that
blogs are “a natural in business communications
courses” (p. 73) because they enable students to
share their writing with a larger audience. Glogoff
(2003) notes that students “used the [class] blog
for a purpose other than from what it was initially
intended,” (p. 2162) causing them to create a new
blog for a more general audience. Huffaker (2005)
argues that bloggers can get feedback on their
writing from a wide range of other bloggers, and
"they can link to fellow bloggers, creating an
interwoven, dynamic organization" (p. 94). In
addition, "students can have a personal space to
lty member not want student writing made public,
blogs can be maintained so that only the students in
the are allowed to access it and post to it.
Blogs also encourage students to write more
thoughtfully (Flatley, 2005), with the quality of
writing often surpassing writing in more
conventional forms (Todras-Whitehall, 2005) by
requiring students to "carefully formulate and stand
by one's opinion" (Williams & Jacobs, 2004, p.
236). In addition, blogs encourage students to make
their writing more concise (Beeson, 2005, p. 28).
Oravec (2002) notes that blogging may further
develop critical thinking skills because students
must carefully evaluate what they read and write, as
their words are now available to a larger audience.
Research on specific cases where blogs have been
used in the classroom suggests that blogs can
enhance a variety of courses in different ways.
Glogoff (2003) incorporated the use of blogs in a
communication distance learning course whose
participants were scattered across the country.
Students overwhelmingly claimed that the use of
blogs in the course helped them to learn more about
technology and also made the material in the course
more relevant for them. Likewise, in a foreign
language class, “writing and reading blogs are one
way in which students can gain different
perspectives about the target culture” which they
are studying (Ducate, 2005, p. 415). Beeson (2005)
reports of one journalism class where students are
required to create their own individual blogs, which
“were then put under the umbrella of [their
instructor’s] blog and linked together to form a
virtual classroom” (p. 27). In a course on global
communication, students found that blogging “formed
a vibrant electronic community” (p. 29), and using
this new media “made discussion very rich” (p. 29).
Students were able to add value to classroom
discussion from outside the classroom.
Brownstein and Klein (2006) describe several
modalities for the use of blogging in education:
learning, constructing, argument, commentary,
chronology, extension, resources, and writing.
Krause (2005) argues that students need to visit the
course’s website anyway to do other tasks such as
check grades or view assignments. Blogs, then, are
just another place students must go online for
course materials, and he finds them to be “a more
inviting and interactive space for our students to
write in” (Kraus, 2005, p. 33). Finally, recent
scholarship suggests that blogs promote
student-centered learning. According to Halavais,
students are more self-directed, as they hold
themselves accountable for their learning.
Dietz-Uhler and Bishop-Clark (2002) examine the
impact of the use of more classic forms of both
synchronous computer mediated communication
tools (instant messenger, internet relay chat) and
asynchronous tools (email, newsgroups, bulletin
boards, etc.) on in-class discussions. They find no
significant difference between any of
the synchronous or asynchronous tools on the impact
of class discussion, but the fact that prior
communication took place over the internet in any
form "removed fears" and increased the
students' confidence to participate in discussion
during class. They conclude that "computer mediated
communication leads to face-to-face discussions
which are perceived to be more enjoyable and include
a greater diversity of perspectives than
face-to-face discussions not preceded by
computer-mediated communication" (p. 281). Although
their study did not analyze the impact of blogging
(because that technology was not a common tool for
self-expression on the Internet at the time the
study was completed), it is reasonable to suggest
that blogging prior to an in-class discussion would
also have a positive impact on the quality of that
The Use of Blogs in a Business Education Context
This study of discussion blogs in the classroom was
conducted at Bentley College, a business institution
in the northeast United States, where approximately
90% of the students major in a business field. An
essential component of a business education at both
the undergraduate and graduate levels is to develop
students' communication skills through classroom
discussion. Unlike many professional programs,
however, this institution puts great emphasis on
integrating liberal learning into the curriculum in
order to help students better succeed in a global
economy in the 21st century. Students must complete
46 hours of coursework beyond their business
education in a number of Arts & Sciences courses
in order to fulfill the requirements of the core
curriculum. In addition, many faculty design
courses and implement pedagogical and andragogical
techniques to engage the learner, which resonate
with the liberal learning principles outlined by the
LEAP National Leadership Council. These include
“expanding horizons, building understanding of the
wider world, honing analytical and communication
skills, and fostering responsibilities beyond self”
(College Learning; p. 39). As is likely the case at
many colleges and universities across the U.S.,
students often do not engage or think critically
about assigned reading material and many times have
not even read the material. This prevents the
in-class discussion from reaching much beyond a
superficial level and then precludes any opportunity
for developing higher-order thinking skills.
With these goals and concerns in mind, the
authors drew from many of the studies discussed
above to integrate discussion blogs in a writing
seminar, two introductory American politics courses,
and two graduate e-commerce courses. Most students
in the undergraduate courses were 18 to 20 years
old; students in the graduate e-commerce courses
were 22 to 25 years old on average. These five
classes were offered between summer 2005 and spring
2006 with a combined enrollment of 119 students.
Discussion blogs were chosen over some of the
traditional computer-mediated communication formats
(Dietz-Uhler and Bishop-Clark, 2002; Shuler,
2004) because they are a newer Internet application
whose popularity continues to increase, (Lenhart
2006; Raine, 2005) and whose impact has been
noted as a tool for popular communication on topics
ranging from composition to commerce to popular
Each of the instructors who used blogs in the five
classes implemented roughly the same exercises. In
the writing course, which was composed almost
exclusively of first-year students, each student
was required to post to the
class blog his or her reflections on course
readings and service-learning experiences outside of
the classroom on a weekly basis. They also were
required to read each other's posts prior to each
class meeting and to respond to at least one other
student's post. Students then were able to assess
their own writing based on the number of people who
were engaged by their posts and the quality of the
responses. Blog postings were selected at random
each week and read in class to help generate
discussions about writing.
the two e-commerce courses, both offered as
electives in the MBA program, the instructors
devised a schedule such that four students per week
had three days to post to the
class blog an original discussion question based
on the following week’s readings for their
classmates to review. Twelve students per week were
assigned to respond to any of their classmates’
questions during the next three days. On the
seventh day (before class met that evening), all
students were responsible for reading the class blog
and coming to class prepared to discuss their
classmates’ questions and responses. A schedule
showing which weeks students were assigned to post
an original question to the blogger or to respond to
one of their classmates' questions was distributed
at the first class session. Randomly assigning
groups of students to post and respond to each
other’s blog entries each week helped the
instructors identify both the topics and issues of
interest to students and the areas that might
require further clarification or explanation.
Similarly, in the two American politics courses,
four students used a
class blog to post their original commentary on
a topic covered in the New York Times or other major
U.S. newspaper, while eight classmates had
three-to-four days to respond to two posts. The
remaining students were required to monitor the
discussions and had the option of participating in
any of the discussions. In contrast to the
e-commerce courses, there was less discussion of the
blog posts in class, but the students initiating the
process were required to post a rejoinder to those
who had responded to their initial post by the time
that next round of blogging had commenced. In all
of these courses, the blogging assignments seemed to
encourage a classroom discussion that was more
substantive and engaging than what the authors had
experienced in previous classes.
assess how well discussion blogs enhanced classroom
discussion and other liberal learning goals, the
instructors presented students with an electronic
questionnaire immediately after the last required
post. Students were asked to answer 15 questions
about general learning goals and outcomes,
engagement in the classroom, and the technical
aspects of using the blogging software. The answer
choices consisted of a Likert scale ranging from one
to seven, with one indicating that they strongly
disagreed with the statement and seven indicating
that they strongly agreed. For presentation
purposes, responses 5, 6, and 7 are collapsed into a
single category of agreement and 1, 2, and 3 are
collapsed into a single category of disagreement. A
response of 4, the mid-point of our scale, is
interpreted and presented as neutral. The authors
also included two open-ended questions that asked
asking students to comment on how useful they felt
blogging was to the course and to comment about the
blogging component in general. Students had
approximately 10 days to complete the questionnaire.
In all, 98 students submitted a completed
questionnaire for a response rate of 82%.
Classroom Discussion
The responses from the survey strongly suggest
that discussion blogs can be an effective
pedagogical tool for encouraging classroom
discussion. As can be seen in Table 1, 73% of
respondents said that participating in the blog
increased the level of meaningful discussion in
class, while only 17% disagreed. The responses from
the two open-ended questions indicate that blogs are
useful to students because they have the opportunity
to express their views. Moreover, students say that
they like being exposed to a number of different
perspectives and opinions. One student commented
The blogs required students who are not likely to
participate in class to post some of their thoughts
and reflections which enriched discussion and
allowed for more contributions to be made on a given
topic since often there is not enough time to cover
too many perspectives.
Other students added that the blog helped facilitate
meaningful class discussions by “kick-starting” the
conversation, ensuring class participation, and
fostering more informed class discussions.
Table 1. Blogs and Classroom Engagement

the most part, students seemed to take their
blogging responsibilities seriously. Over half of
the respondents said that they spent a lot of time
beforehand thinking about what they were going to
post, while only about one-fourth put in the minimum
effort or less. Few seemed to go beyond the
requirements of the assignment, however, with only
24% finding that they responded to the blog more
than they had expected, that is, responding more
than they were required to do so. Some students
mentioned in their open-ended responses that they
would have preferred that posting and responding be
made voluntary, while others believed that they
would have responded more often if they did not have
to adhere to a schedule but instead when they
encountered a topic of interest. While these
students may have been sincere in their commitment
to participate, it is unlikely that class
discussions would have drawn from the assigned
readings without requiring students to address
these readings in some written form.
While the data show that classroom blogs facilitate
meaningful discussion on the blog and in the
classroom, there was little evidence to support the
view that that blogs encouraged further peer-to-peer
interaction beyond discussion of the blog,
either during class or outside of the classroom
(Williams and Jacobs, 2004 Flatley, 2005, Oravec,
2003). Only 29% of the respondents felt that the
class blog allowed them to interact with more of
their classmates than they did in their other
classes. And only 15% felt that the blog helped
them establish a personal connection with their
classmates off-line.
Liberal Learning
data also suggest that discussion blogs are useful
for promoting general liberal learning goals. As
evident in Table 2, 76% of respondents agreed that
posting and responding to the blog assisted in their
general learning for the course, and 71% agreed that
simply reading the blog contributed to their
learning. In contrast with earlier research (Oravec,
2003; Williams and Jacobs, 2004), the blogs were
somewhat less successful in helping students achieve
more specific liberal learning goals. A majority of
respondents (55%) said that posting to the blog
helped them to communicate their ideas more
effectively, and a near-majority (47%) agreed that
posting made them better critical and analytical
thinkers. Still, this does not mean that the
students felt that the discussion blog had a
negative impact on their learning. Rather, it seems
that a substantial number of students felt that the
blog did not have an impact one way or another. For
both of these two questions, 24% of students offered
the neutral or middle response on the 7-point
scale. Only 21% of respondents said that posting to
the blog did not help them communicate their ideas
more effectively and only 29% said that posting did
not make them better critical and analytical
Table 2. Blogs and Liberal Learning
review of students’ posting reveal that there was
significant improvement over the course of the
semester in reading and writing skills,
critical-thinking abilities, and overall student
learning (see Appendix 1 for access to blog
archives). In all of the classes, the contributions
posted from early in the semester tended to be
briefer, less polished, and less imaginative than
contributions posted in later weeks. In the writing
class, for example, one of the first assignments
required students to reflect on their initial
thoughts about participating in the service-learning
component of the class. In general, there was
little development of thought regarding
service-learning. In addition, sentences were short
and somewhat conversational in style. Typical of
students’ postings were introductions such as these:
name is _____ and I am a freshman at ______ College
located in ________, MA. I just heard that part my
Expository writing class involves service learning,
and I can't wait. Sounds fun. Talk to you later.
contrast, the length of the postings increased in
word count as the semester progressed, from less
than 100 words to an average of 600 words in the
final weeks.
While feedback from the instructor and several
follow-up assignments likely were most responsible
for students’ improvement, the public visibility of
the blogs seemed to have contributed as well. Since
blogs allow students to publish their writing in a
more public forum, instead of limiting feedback to a
single reader, i.e., the professor, students’ work
is exposed to a much wider audience, including their
peers. It is possible that after reading their
peers’ postings, students demanded better
explanations from each other. Moreover, students
hold each other accountable for the success of the
blog. For example, rather early on in the writing
course, one student responds to another student’s
post by writing the following: “Continue to post
your ideas and experiences that relate to the book.
They will add value to the posts and our learning
experience.” Students use their questions to each
other’s blog postings as a vehicle for maintaining a
level of engagement from one another.
dialogue between writer and reader also may have
helped improve the quality of students’ postings.
Questions from the instructor and other students in
class or online seemed to encourage students to
develop a more persuasive analysis in subsequent
posts. For example, in a posting for the writing
class that analyzed successful and unsuccessful
classroom pedagogy, one student responded to another
student’s posting by posing the following question,
“So do you think that there is any style of teaching
where students would actually be able to retain the
information in which they learn?” In the writing
and government classes, two students occasionally
engaged in an extended dialogue that allowed the
initial poster to rework ideas to be used in a
response. When a third student jumps into the
exchange, each student’s critical-thinking
capabilities are stretched further since students
must take into account the positions and ideas of
multiple bloggers including their own. Ideally,
each post serves as a draft, with students
rethinking their ideas and revising their
explanations with each posting.
Ease of Use and Technical Challenges
the whole, the instructors did not encounter
difficulties with any of the technical aspects of
launching or managing their class blogs. In
addition, only a few students indicated that they
had any difficulty with accessing or posting to the
blog. As can be seen in Table 3, 75% of the
students agreed that using the blog website to post
and respond was easy to do, while only 13%
disagreed. When asked this question in an alternate
format, student provided roughly the same
responses. Only 22% said that they had difficulty
using the blogging website to post an entry or
respond to a previous post, while 68% disagreed.
More encouraging was that only 18% of respondents
reported feeling intimidated about posting to the
Table 3. Blogs and Ease of Use
One concern about using technology in the classroom
is that students who arrive with greater
sophistication and experience with computers and the
Internet will adapt more easily to the blog than
those who are less sophisticated and experienced.
At the same time, there is a concern that students
with stronger verbal skills will feel more
comfortable about expressing their opinions and
questions in written form for the entire class to
observe. The authors found no difference between
students taking IT classes and students enrolled in
Arts & Sciences classes. The authors also did not
find any significant difference between students
enrolled in the two graduate e-commerce courses and
those enrolled in the three undergraduate courses.
Technology and Gender
Another concern the authors had about using the
discussion blog as a pedagogical tool was that men
and women might feel differently about the blog’s
accessibility. A number of studies have shown that
female college students have had less experience
online than their male counterparts, use the
Internet in different ways, and have higher levels
of anxiety and more negative attitudes towards the
Internet (Broos, 2005; Joiner et al., 2005). On
the other hand, other studies have indicated that
the gender divide has been rapidly closing among
both college students and the public at-large
(Fallows, 2005). Moreover, at the authors'
institution, students arrive on campus aware of how
widely technology is integrated into the curriculum;
students are required to purchase a standard
notebook computer and must take an introductory
course on information technology as part of their
general education requirements. Thus, the authors
did not expect that integrating discussion blogs
would put women students at a disadvantage or cause
them to become anxious about completing the blogging
can be seen in Table 4, however, women were
significantly more likely than men to feel
intimidated about participating in the blog and to
have difficulty using the blogging website to post
and respond to entries. Women also were more likely
to disagree that using the website to post and
respond was easy for them to do, albeit the
difference was not statistically significant. None
of the male respondents reported any concerns or
problems with the blogging website in their
open-ended comments. From women, however, there
were these comments:
The website was a little hard to understand. The way that
the website posted the blogs was also a bit
confusing, as it was just one big page. It should
have been divided more effectively, like one page
per subject.
Sometimes it was hard to write anything because you really
had nothing to say or had a fear of saying something
As a way to deal with these challenges, one female student
suggested more in-class demonstrations, while
another suggested that:
The professor might need to add a testing session in the
first week of the class to ensure that all students
have properly posted and responded to the test
question before formally using blogs in the class.
other women were unhappy with the blogging website
because they had used a different platform in a
previous class and were not enthusiastic about
adjusting to something new.
Although women reported greater anxiety and
difficulty than men, the data also suggest that
women received greater educational benefit from
their blogging experience than men. A higher
percentage of women agreed that participating in the
blog increased the level of meaningful discussion in
the class (87% vs. 68%) and that reading the blog
assisted in their learning for the course (80% vs.
73%). And by a substantially large margin, more
women reported that posting to the blog helped them
become better critical and analytical thinkers. In
each of these three cases, the difference in means
between men and women was statistically
significant. But as can be seen in Table 4, even in
cases where the differences were not statistically
significant, women reported a more positive
experience with the blog than men.
In their open-ended responses, one woman expressed enthusiasm
for the blog, stating that:
Blogging had a positive impact on this course. It made both
preparing for class and learning from class more
interesting and in-depth, since deeper analysis of
the material had to be done, but the scope of the
analysis was our choice (which was very nice!).
Another female student added that "the blog made
people think above and beyond what is just in our
text," while another commented on how the blog
“provided an environment to apply what we learned
inside the classroom with what is happening in the
real world.”
Table 4. Discussion Blogs in the Classroom by Gender
Conclusions and Future Directions
This study uses one approach to engage students in
the course through the use of blogs. Variations
of this exercise might permit students to select the
weeks they will be posting to the blog based on
topics of interest (or available free time), rather
than by random assignment, or, in smaller classes,
might require all students to respond most of the
time. Doing so might better simulate a more natural
discussion where participants contribute because of
interest in the topic or because they have
"something to say" rather than because they are
required to participate at specific times.
While most blog providers offer free services, some
blog providers offer advanced features for a fee.
For example, LiveJournal supports a premium feature
that enables readers to rate the usefulness of a
particular post on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. It
would be of interest to incorporate this feature in
the classroom blog exercise, enabling students to
rate each other’s posts, and their ratings would be
considered when calculating a student’s grade.
Another enhancement might involve the use of
multimedia to introduce a topic of conversation.
Robinson and Dodd (2006, p. 59) and others have
suggested that millennial students are more likely
to be engaged by using “music devices as part of the
teaching and learning process.” As podcasting
continues to become an increasingly popular channel
for students and faculty to share course materials
and lectures both prior to and following a class
session (Frydenberg and Davi, 2006), a natural
extension of this exercise would be to have students
present their background information and discussion
questions as audio or video podcasts, posted to a
blog to which their classmates could respond in
writing. The barrier to entry is slightly higher as
students would need to become facile with
appropriate software and hardware tools for creating
and editing audio and video, and making the
multimedia available for download. These skills are
not complicated to master, and teaching them in
introductory computer courses is becoming more
assess whether blogs had an impact on students’
engagement in the course and development of general
learning goals, this study has relied almost
exclusively on the self-assessment of the students.
Although the instructors for each of the courses
could see that students were more engaged and would
participate in more substantive class discussion
than in semesters where bogs were not used, a more
objective assessment strategy is needed in order to
better establish a causal link between blogs and
learning. Furthermore, it is possible that many
undergraduate students may not understand what
concepts such as analytical reasoning and critical
thinking mean and may view communication skills in
its narrowest form. Ideally, instructors who teach
multiple sections of a class in the same semester
may want to use a blog in only one section, while
using more traditional pedagogical tools in other
sections. Exams and other measures of evaluation
would be the same across sections, however, allowing
the instructor to see the trends in each section and
overall performance at the end of the semester.
Significant emphasis is now being placed on
providing students in professional programs with a
liberal education. Taking Responsibility for the
Quality of the Baccalaureate Degree, a report coming
out of the Association of American Colleges and
Universities' Project on Accreditation and
Assessment (PAA), states that:
is noteworthy that representatives from the four
specialized accrediting agencies in PAA—business,
education, engineering, and nursing—are unanimous in
declaring that a strong liberal education is
essential to success in each of their professions.
Whereas some in the general public may see liberal
education as impractical, as an unnecessary luxury,
or as unrelated to their intended career, these
leaders see it as a central aspect of educational
quality in their fields. Further, their agencies
have established standards and procedures that place
a high priority on liberal education in the
accreditation of these specialized programs. (qtd.
in Hutton 2006, p. 57)
Using blogs across the disciplines can enhance
liberal learning in professional programs. Each of
the instructors in this study used blogs in a way
that enhanced liberal learning in the classroom.
The authors found that students came to class
discussions having engaged in inquiry and analysis
through online writing exercises. Thus, blogs helped
students develop their critical-thinking skills and
reasoning skills. In addition, by preparing students
for class discussions, blogs helped them develop
both their written and oral communication skills.
Liberal learning depends on students taking
responsibility for their education. Instructors in
any discipline can use blogs to begin conversations
about course materials before students arrive in the
classroom and continue them long after a class has
ended, thus fostering a sense of active learning
both inside and outside the classroom.
authors acknowledge the support of Catherine Davy,
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