MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2010


From the Editors

With this issue JOLT completes its sixth volume of papers.  Since its first issue appeared in July 2005, JOLT has published 282 scholarly articles by authors from all over the world. We hope that you will find among the 15 papers published in this issue at least one or two of interest. And that you’ll spread the word to you colleagues.

However, JOLT’s accomplishments over the past 5-1/2 years are now presenting a problem of over-success. This Fall we received over 80 manuscripts for consideration in the December issue, which translated into over 160 peer reviews having to be performed by our excellent peer reviewers and considered by the editors. As you can imagine, this is a formidable task for two part-time editors who also have “day jobs” as faculty in their respective academic institutions. As we look to the future, some changes may have to be implemented to keep the workload at a manageable level. In simplest terms, more financial resources are needed to support the editorial staff for JOLT to maintain the timely flow of manuscripts through the review process that it has always offered our authors. Several options are being considered, and we will share them with our readers in the coming months. Our goal is to make JOLT sustainable for the long term, and we hope we will have your support in this effort.

On another note, the Acceptance Rate for JOLT manuscripts during 2010 was 28%, slightly lower than the 34% acceptance rate for 2009.

Happy Holidays,

Ed Perry and Michelle Pilati
JOLT Co-Editors


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ISSN: 1558-9528
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Last Modified : 2010/12/15