From the Editors
With this issue JOLT begins its seventh volume of papers. Since its first issue appeared in July 2005, JOLT has published nearly 300 scholarly articles by authors from all over the world. We hope that you will find among the 17 papers published in this issue at least one or two of interest. And that you’ll spread the word to you colleagues.
Since JOLT began in the summer of 2005, it has seen a remarkable and steady rise in the number of submissions. From a modest beginning of fewer than 50 submissions per year, JOLT now receives over 250 manuscripts to consider annually. Since we rely completely on part-time editors and volunteer peer reviewers, the task is becoming overwhelming.
The solution is simply more resources to support the JOLT editorial effort. Until now our only support has come from the California State University system via MERLOT. That support has taken the form of server space, technical support on software issues, and part-time support for the two co-editors. Given the current state of higher education funding in California, we cannot expect that support to grow or perhaps even continue.
We would like to do all we possibly can at this stage to avoid having to resort to revenue generation through advertising, paid subscriptions, and/or publication charges levied on authors, as we feel such measures would not be in line with the mission of JOLT, which was has always been intended to be a freely available, open educational resource.
Thus, we are calling upon YOU, the readers and authors, to help us out by making a modest donation to support JOLT. Our readership and past-author base is large enough that if each of you would just contribute $20 a year (or more if you are able and are so inclined), we will not only be able to keep JOLT functioning as it was initially envisioned, but also expand into new areas
For more details, please visit our Support Jolt page.
Ed Perry and Michelle Pilati
JOLT Co-Editors