of papers in this issue
Viewing Format
The Role of Students' Professional Experience in Online Learning: Analysis of Asynchronous Participation
Edgard B. Cornacchione, Jr., Oenardi Lawanto, Rod P. Githens, and Scott D. Johnson |
88 |
Ethnicity, Gender, and Perceptions of Online Learning in Higher Education
Carol Y. Ashong and Nannette E. Commander |
98 |
Student as Avatar: A Study of Informational Preferences in a Virtual World Class
Mark Mabrito |
111 |
Blended Learning for Academic Resilience in Times of Disaster or Crisis
Julie Mackey, Fiona Gilmore, Nicki Dabner, Des Breeze, and Philippa Buckley |
122 |
Case Studies |
Systematic Development of Evidence-Based Faculty and Student Medication Calculation Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes through Asynchronous Electronic Media
Linda J. Porter-Wenzlaff, Janis N. Rice, and Lisa M. Sievers |
136 |
Creativity and Wikis: Partnering Virtual Teams, Technology, and Social Work Education
Patricia Coccoma, Cheryl A. Peppers, and Jane K. Molhoek |
147 |
Concept Paper |
Towards a Better Experience: Examining Student Needs in the Online Classroom through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Model
Karen L. Milheim |
159 |
Call for Papers: Regular Issues
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

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