Organic, de-structured, flattened, and de-layered
are all euphemisms associated with a rapidly
changing organizational environment. In the era of
advanced computing and electronic information
however, organic is also associated with a free
flowing stream of communication that is generated
among individuals within organizations. Not only may
institutions as a result be more fluid, but they may
also be more productive. A Gallup survey reported by
LaBarre (2001) for example found that the most
“engaged” workplaces had substantially lower
turnover, higher than average customer loyalty and
productivity, and higher profitability. A
decentralized structure also has implications for
diminished bureaucracy, enhanced management
capabilities, and over the long term, a
participative mode of self-governance (Nakamura,
In Creating New Spaces for Learning (2007)
the authors assert that learning spaces, especially
within institutions of higher education, should
mirror these new organizational environments so that
they are able to enhance students’ preparation for
employment. They argue that space should be designed
for “socially catalytic” interaction, in which
projects can emerge through brainstorming, informal
chat, and civil dialogue. This “cyber
infrastructure” is characterized as more of a
“studio” than a classroom, which should be (1)
multidirectional; (2) connected to other spaces; (3)
student-centered; (4) with varied and multiple
activities; and (5) with more faculty student
interaction. The authors further explain that the
building blocks for this new type of community are
technology, physical space, and curriculum. In this
welcoming “studio” space, opportunities for learning
permeate the entire campus (Bickford, Wright, &
Dittoe, 2007).
Raelin (2003) reiterates managing in a way that
promotes the unfettered contribution of all members
- in what he terms a “leaderful” community, where
everyone regardless of rank may serve as a leader
depending upon the circumstances. He describes
leadership as concurrent (e.g., multiple people
serving in a leadership role at one time, where
leading is considered the potential domain of all
members), collaborative (in which everyone’s opinion
is considered important and is frequently
solicited), compassionate (in that it respects the
dignity of others) and collective, in that it is
based on a community model. He argues that these new
skills will be required in organizations that “…are
becoming more fluid, experimenting with virtual and
network structures that have begun to even challenge
our conventional notion of ’internal’ and
‘external’” (Raelin, 2003, p. 17). In such fluid
environments individuals must be able to readily
step up to the plate to serve in whatever role is
required of them. “Leaderful” practice is then
mutual, multidirectional, and reciprocal. In line
with this assertion Pollard argues in The Soul of
the Firm that “…the mission of the firm is
understood to include the personal development and
growth of every worker” (1996, p. 21).
At Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) this
philosophy has been implemented in the form of a
newly renovated learning space in the Paul W. Martin
Honors College. The purpose of this article is to
describe the experiences of faculty who have taught
in an Advanced Computer Technology (ACT) laboratory
learning environment at Middle Tennessee State
University (MTSU), and, to explain the room’s
development from the MTSU administrators involved in
the classroom design. Results of interviews with
four administrators and five instructors who have
actual experience in teaching in this laboratory are
provided, along with future directions for
technology-enhanced classrooms and instructional
History of the ACT Laboratory
The Honors College classroom renovation project
began over two years ago, when it was determined
that student computers in the Honors College
laboratory were not being used in the manner for
which they were intended. Students for the most part
liked to work in informal, small groups, rather than
in small individualized carrel spaces as the room
had been originally configured. The increased
emphasis on collaboration within the MTSU Learning
Community provided an incentive for a redesign of
the physical space within the room itself, and, an
exploration of electronic learning and teaching
tools premised on a community model. One
administrator remarked that it is important to look
at ways of redesigning classroom delivery, as
students today are more intuitive as a result of
growing up with a variety of technology.
Consequently, building community will result when
faculty learn how technology can further their
instructional goals.
University administrators and classroom technology
staff from the Information Technology Division,
along with a consultant (The Sextant Group), who
specializes in audio, visual, and technology design,
met for a period of several months to identify how
the emergent technology could be configured for an
Advanced Computer Technology classroom that would
best serve student needs.
Goals for the ACT lab included:
providing opportunities for new pedagogical
accommodating variable student learning styles
encouraging student-to-student collaboration
serving as a way to record classroom discussions
and preserve course material
increasing the marketable skills of students
(“Honors College,” Fall 2006, p. 2)
testing equipment to see if it was appropriate for
campus wide usage
The technology in the room includes a mobile
instructor station (a Polyvision “Walk-and-Talk™
cordless lectern”) with a tablet computer and
annotation screen, (“Honors College,” 2006), a VCR,
DVD player/recorder, a visual presenter, a ceiling
mounted projector, eighteen tablet personal
computers, and four wall mounted plasma screens with
laptop connections that can be displayed through the
ceiling mounted projector and the Polyvision
Thunder™ Virtual Flipchart™ System. In addition, the
equipment, along with lighting and window shades,
can be controlled through a Crestron control panel.
The room also showcases furniture that was
specifically designed for flexibility with ease of
movement, as well as
student comfort. The chairs can be placed in various
configurations, including
grouped around one of four plasma computer
screens that are each stationed in a different
quadrant of the room, strategically positioned to
facilitate student group collaboration and
Unique to this room is the Polyvision Thunder™
Virtual Flipchart™ System, an electronic flipchart
that can simultaneously display up to six electronic
views at a single time. It was initially designed
for corporations, but was more recently introduced
into the higher education environment. Middle
Tennessee State University was one of the first
institutions to create a classroom featuring the
integration of all of these advanced technologies.
One administrator remarked, “We need to look at our
students as they come through with intuitive
capabilities, and how it affects students minds’ and
the way they learn.”
The Thunder™ system can be connected to other
Thunder™ systems in remote locations, creating a
“virtual meeting room” in which team members do not
need to be present in order to participate. Pages
can be saved in PDF format and displayed as Web
pages, or sent via e-mail (“New Classroom,” 2007).
Text on the Thunder™ whiteboard is dynamic in that
it can be seamlessly reordered, easily moved into
another part of the electronic page, or “thrown in
the trash” (a process which is graphically displayed
on the screen). Notes made on the Thunder™ system
may also be saved and retrieved at a later time, as
well as sent to a USB storage device. Moreover,
images can be imported from an attached scanner and
displayed on an electronic page, along with video
from the VCR or DVD players. Content from multiple
classroom tablet PC’s or an external computer (when
provided with the appropriate IP address) can also
be shown, and control of the Thunder™ easel can be
shared among participants. Any pictured item may be
annotated with a special marking pen and included in
the archived file.
To officially open the laboratory, a demonstration
of its capabilities was held for representatives
from MTSU and the local business community. The
demonstration included a simulated class with the
use of collaborative exercises, and role playing
with the use of an online game (“Virtual U”) in
which participants worked with one another to
simulate managing a higher education institution.
Further demonstrations were also conducted to
showcase the use of this cutting edge technology for
departmental and committee meetings (note: a
schematic of the ACT Laboratory is provided in
Figure 1 at the end of the paper). Classes commenced
in the ACT laboratory one semester after the
Five faculty and four administrators at MTSU agreed
to participate in interviews regarding their
experiences within the ACT laboratory and their role
in the planning process, respectively. The questions
that were posed of faculty appear below:
How did you find your experiences within this
What type of applications did this technology
facilitate? What was possible in this space that
would have been impossible or difficult in a
traditional classroom, or in a traditional master
Describe some of the student projects and
instructor applications that you performed in this
Describe some of the challenges that you
encountered with this technology.
Questions posed of individuals involved with the
procurement and maintenance of classroom equipment
How did you decide on this particular technology?
What is the history of this technology, and what
did the procurement process entail?
Are there any other applications of this
technology in the world?
Is there anything that you would have done
differently with regard to installation and vendor
Participants were encouraged to add their own
observations and commentary, in addition to the
pre-scripted questions that were posed. Open-ended
questions allowed for participants to elaborate on
concepts they found of particular interest, and to
contribute their own observations and ideas. Data
was collected by written notes and later transcribed
to a word processing format. Interviews were
conducted between September and November of 2007,
with each individual session lasting between twenty
and thirty minutes.
Interview Results
When interviewed, faculty identified advantages to
using the laboratory, and they also shared what they
liked about their experiences. Common themes that
emerged included a collaborative environment, less
paperwork, more peer interaction, and enhanced
technological capabilities. These responses are
summarized below:
The format facilitated applications in both
undergraduate and graduate science and behavioral
courses. Faculty who taught in these disciplines
liked the informal environment, which they felt
enhanced connectivity inside the classroom.
Because students worked in groups where the
results from plasma screens could be broadcast to
the front of the room, less paperwork had to be
generated, and faculty did not have to do as much
preparation ahead of schedule.
Students were more comfortable presenting their
in-class research projects on tablet personal
computers. In addition, they received practice in
gathering information.
The room facilitated participation, small group
problem solving, role play, and simulation.
Thunder™ was used to capture “talking points,”
which could be saved and later e-mailed to
Web-quests could be performed during class time.
The room provided the capability to capture a
presentation on DVD, which could then be given to
another student group for evaluation and
“interactive feedback.“
Students’ confidence level was boosted when they
saw that they could present “on the fly” and
provide a fresh perspective to their peers; one
faculty remarked that “…students can
collaboratively develop a power-point for
impromptu presentations.”
The technology was especially useful when it is
important to show students “something in the
background,” along with an actual application,
such as the database that is underlying a
geographic information system map and the map
One instructor remarked that there should be
training provided by the professor to make
students aware of the benefits of the ACT
laboratory as compared to a traditional classroom.
One such benefit might include “Projection from
multiple sources that enables students to more
easily see the source of the change caused by an
As the intent of an incubator classroom is to test
and experiment new pedagogical and technology
techniques, faculty were also asked to comment on
what noted improvements they would like to see in
future ACT laboratories on campus, along with
changes they would like to see in the current
room. These comments appear below.
Use of AMEX technology instead of Crestron would
have enabled the in-house IT staff to both repair
and maintain the equipment, because AMEX is the
controller standard at MTSU.
Chairs should not be as heavy, and they should
have multidirectional wheels.
A dedicated IT staff member who can help faculty
when they reach a difficulty, and/or who can help
train them on equipment is essential.
Have a backup whiteboard.
Include flipcharts at each of the plasma
groupings. According to one faculty interviewed,
“PowerPoint was not viewed as a malleable draft;”
when in actuality, the traditional flipchart was
more suited to brainstorming.
The tablet computers were very slow, and were
often shelved in the storage unit without being
linked into the charger system.
A closet with a set of wall hooks for coats and
backpacks would have removed clutter from the
The building closed around 4:30 p.m., which
created reliability and technical support issues.
The “pointing stick/track ball” on the notebook
computers was cumbersome to use; a “touch pad”
would have been more efficient and easier for
Faculty concerns were shared with university
administrators and information technology staff. As
a consequence, considerations for new
classrooms/laboratories planned on the MTSU campus
will include:
Increased capacity for up to 20 students
A traditional instructor station.
Thunder™ projection and the traditional projection
on different walls so that seven displays can be
viewed at once
Shelving for the notebook computers so that
students can open them inside the closet
A mobile lectern with a laptop instead of a “walk
and talk” lectern
Chairs with bi-directional wheels
Hardwood flooring.
Although faculty and administration did not
collaborate prior to the design of this particular
space, there is ongoing consultation with faculty,
academic affairs officers, and classroom technology
support personnel prior to determining classroom
technology configurations.
Tinzmann et al. (1990) describe collaborative
learning as a collective event, driven by learners
who are self-determined and knowledgeable, and who
are led by teachers who behave as mediators.
Optimally, they suggest that this type of connection
occurs in an environment where there is “shared
authority among teachers and students,” (¶ 9) which
allows for [use of] “diverse media for communicating
ideas” (¶ 18) in which students are active
participants. In this type of learning enclave there
is an emphasis on content as well as process, and an
attempt to incorporate dialogue, or a dual-party
participation and examination of speech within the
classroom. In conjunction with this assertion,
Bruner (1987) describes the process of
“scaffolding,” in which individuals become
responsible for their own learning. Because MTSU
recognizes that the role and desires of incoming
students are changing, (as Tinzmann et al.
articulate), its goal was to create a cutting edge
learning space that would provide more freedom and
creative license for faculty, along with enhanced
opportunities for students to synergistically learn
from their peers through observation, open critique,
feedback, and learner driven outcomes. At MTSU the
design process, implementation, and the democratic
response to faculty feedback (with regard to the
incubator classroom) all demonstrate a desire to
collectively evolve traditional instruction so that
it is more responsive to changing student needs.
Because students have so many shared electronic, or
“Web 2.0” resources at their disposal, their
expectations in terms of learning environments are
radically different from even a few years ago.
Individuals who regularly use blogs, wikis, and
social networking tools may naturally respond better
to a classroom in which chairs are not rigidly
placed in preset patterns, and in which there is a
free-flow of give and take between themselves and
the instructor. In this space the “sage on the
stage” is transformed to the “guide on the side” in
an attempt to proactively stimulate interaction that
is seen as both natural and beneficial for students.
Future incarnations of the incubator classroom will
incorporate the iterative feedback process to
enhance student learning, and to facilitate
faculties’ ability to effectively reach their
constituencies. Learning in this case then becomes a
transformative event and an instructive process,
which evolves with time in response to a student
driven mandate. The incubator classroom is partly an
answer to Palmer (1998), who exhorts academics to
mimic the democracy and leadership experiences that
students experience daily in their electronic social
The MTSU ACT laboratory (one of the first of its
kind in the country), integrated a confluence of
cutting edge technologies to provide a classroom
community model which facilitated two-way
communication. Although this room was on “the
bleeding edge of technology,” (as one MTSU
administrator stated), the first incarnation netted
a positive benefit to both students and instructors,
while at the same time providing essential feedback
on how to reconfigure future classroom and
laboratory designs.
Bickford, D., Wright, D. J., & Dittoe, W.
Creating new spaces for learning in community
(2007, January). Paper presented at the meeting of
the Educause Learning Initiatives Conference,
Atlanta, GA.
Bruner, J. S. (1987). Actual minds, possible
worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Honors college to open advanced classroom technology
space (2006, Fall). Honors Alternative, 1-3.
LaBarre, P. (2001, August). Marcus Buckingham thinks
your boss has an attitude problem. [Electronic
version]. Fast Company, 49, 88-98.
Nakamura, A. (1996). Administrative reform and
decentralization of central power: A cross national
comparison with Japan. [Electronic version].
Asian Review of Public Administration, 8,
New classroom built for the future. (2007,
January/February). The Communicator, 10.
Palmer, P. J. (1998). The courage to teach.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pollard, C. W. (1996). The soul of the firm.
New York: HarperBusiness and
Raelin, J. A. (2003). Creating leaderful organizations: How to bring out leadership in
everyone. San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler
Publishers, Inc.
Tinzmann, M. B., Jones, B. F., Fennimore, T. F,
Bakker, J., Fine, C. & Pierce, J. (1990). What is
the collaborative classroom? NCREL: Oak Brook.

Figure 1. Current ACT Laboratory Configuration