Journal of Online Learning and Teaching |
Vol.4, No.
2, June 2008
Abstracts of
Papers in This Issue
Blackboard as the
Learning Management System in a Computer Literacy
Course, Florence Martin
study reports the evaluation results of using a
learning management system (LMS) in a computer
literacy course. The goal of the present study was to
explore the usefulness of content delivery and how it
helped students in learning computing skills. Using
Blackboard as the LMS, 145 undergraduate college
students enrolled in a computer literacy course in a
large southwestern university responded to an online
survey and seven instructors who taught the course
were surveyed over email to determine value and
usefulness of the features in the environment.
Overall, assignments,
course documents and gradebook were reported as the
most useful features. Immediate feedback on quizzes,
accessing the materials at all times, and getting
comfortable in use of technology were rated as most
helpful areas. Both students and instructors responded
positively to the LMS experience and provided evidence
that numerous learning outcomes can be enhanced by the
presence of such a system.
learning management system, Blackboard, computer
literacy, blended learning.
Lifelong Learning and
Systems: A Post-Fordist Analysis, Patricia McGee and
Marybeth Green
Learning/Course Management Systems
(L/CMS) have become an instructional backbone for online
instruction. Yet over the course of their inception as a
management framework, our knowledge of learning theory
had advanced tremendously, resulting in what the authors
feel is an antiquated instructional system. This study
analyzes five most used L/CMS in K-20 education within a
post-Fordist framework that analyzes current capacities
of systems to support current learning theory. Findings
indicate that L/CMS are largely lacking in effective
instructional functions.
Virtual learning environment, managed learning
environment, CMS, learning management system, learning
Learning Content Management System
(L/CMS), etc.
Learning Management
Systems of the Future: Theoretical Framework and Design,
Farhad Saba
While American
institutions of higher education still lead the world in
quality of instruction, research and service, certain
trends are challenging their future. Immediate attention
to resolving these issues is necessary if the American
university is going to maintain world leadership in the
foreseeable future. The theory of transactional distance
is put forward as a roadmap for changing the industrial
system of education to a post-industrial one in which
each learner receives differential instruction based on
his or her prior knowledge of the subject matter,
learning preferences and metacognitive states.
Management of learning and teaching is described in a
dynamic environment in which learners can participate in
defining the level of autonomy with which they are
comfortable, and instructors can set the required level
of structure according to the characteristics of each
discipline taught thus providing the appropriate level
of transactional distance at each point in time for each
individual learner. Ramifications of this environment
for the structure of the university are discussed and
components of a future educational management system are
management, dynamic instructional design, transactional
distance, learner autonomy, instructor control, distance
as a Tool for Collaborative Course Management,
are growing expectations among college students to be
able to access and manage their course materials over
the World Wide Web. In its early days, faculty would
create web pages by hand for posting this information.
As Internet technologies and access have matured over
the past decade, course and learning management
systems such as Blackboard and Web CT have become the
norm for distributing such materials. In today’s Web
2.0 world, wikis have emerged as a tool that may
complement or replace the use of traditional course
management systems as a tool for disseminating course
information. Because of a wiki’s collaborative
nature, its use also allows students to participate in
the process of course management, information sharing,
and content creation. Using examples from an
information technology classroom, this paper describes
several ways to structure and use a wiki as a course
management tool, and shares results of a student
survey on the effectiveness of such an approach on
student learning.
Wiki, Course Management, Collaboration, Web 2.0,
Content Creation, Student Learning.
Defining Tools for a New Learning Space:
Writing and Reading Class Blogs,
Sarah Hurlburt
paper uses specific issues surrounding course blogging
to provide a series of reflections regarding the
articulation between pedagogy and technology in creating
a next generation learning space and discourse
community. It investigates the underlying structure and
necessary constituent elements of a successful blog
assignment and examines the notion of natural and
unnatural virtual environments and the roles of the
reader and the writer-reader. It suggests that blog
assignments may not succeed equally well in all subject
areas and gives a number of possible reasons.
Furthermore, it posits a more nuanced criterion for the
definition of goals and the evaluation of the success of
a blog assignment as a learning community beyond the
presence or absence of comments.
Web 2.0,
learning communities, reader anxiety, constructivist
learning, discourse communities, comments
LMS Mirror: School as We Know IT versus School as We
Need IT and the Triumph of the Custodial Class,
Brown and Nils Peterson
In the context of the future of
learning management systems, this paper examines the
concept and perception of a learning environment
from the classroom to the internet and their
relationship to perceptions of teaching and
learning. Examples and research, including an
example of an activist Web 2.0 pro-social effort,
are used to demonstrate the distinction between the
current state of teaching and learning, and an
emerging model and vision. The implications for
necessary future directions to mediate the contrast
are discussed.
Technology, Learning Management Systems (LMS and
CMS), ePortfolios, Personal Learning Environments (PLEs),
Learning Environments, Student Agency, Pedagogy. Web
Deepening the Chasm: Web 2.0,
Gaming, and Course Management Systems,
Bryan Alexander
Web 2.0 has emerged into a large, growing, and
developing world of content and platforms.
Gaming has rapidly expanded into a global
industry. In contrast course management systems
have developed along very different lines. We
examine ways for the CMS to connect with these
two worlds, outlining areas for possible
development: increased hyperlinking, internal
platforms and instances, and extruded
applications. Additionally we consider ways by
which the CMS can learn strategically and
conceptually from Web 2.0 and gaming.
Web 2.0, gaming, course management systems,
learning management systems, virtual learning
environments, social media
Identity, Power, and
Representation in Virtual Environments, Frank Vander
The proliferation of immersive, three
dimensional virtual environments presents
educators with a moment of creative possibility
in designing the next generation of
computer-assisted learning. At the same time,
the fact that these environments may be
inscribed with particular value sets and power
relations presents educators with a burden of
pedagogical responsibility. This paper attempts
to begin a conversation about some of the hidden
considerations that may be confronted as virtual
learning environments become more accessible,
acceptable, and assessable. The author
challenges the view that virtual environments
are reliably neutral venues for the creation of
virtual identities that escape the culturally
constructed power configurations of the offline
world. Indeed, the very dichotomy between real
and virtual is itself questionable. While the
promise of virtual learning environments is
real, it is often unrealized. Educators have a
responsibility to critically engage the implicit
assumptions embedded in the technology they
would ask students to use.
critical pedagogy, online identity, new media,
software theory, virtual worlds, synthetic
worlds, immersive environments
Breaking into the Fulcrum Arena:
A Concept Paper Looking Beyond Next Generation
Shalin Hai-Jew
In the spirit of futurist probes into what a
next-gen learning management system (LMS) may
look like, the author uses a sci-fi scenario to
touch on some distant possibilities. This
fictional work follows J4 in his quest to break
into the Fulcrum Arena and emerge with the
information and strategic relationships he needs
to achieve mysterious aims.
This story envisions a learning space that
integrates various databases, global positioning
systems (GPS), and other technologies into an
integrated digital enclosure. It focuses on
informational elites, those who have the rawest
and freshest information, vs. those who get
processed versions through public channels.
Here, identities are persistent and coalesced
through information collected by ‘bots.
The learning is all strategic, it’s immersive,
and it directly applies to the lived world.
next generation learning management system,
future learning, forecasting, immersive learning
Structuring Asynchronous
Discussions to Incorporate Learning Principles
in an Online Class: One Professor’s Course
Analysis, Andria Young
Eight sections of one online undergraduate
course were analyzed to determine if the
structure of the online discussions enhanced
learning of course objectives as measured by
course exams. Discussions were structured to
incorporate learning principles associated with
storing information in long term memory through
control processes of meaningful learning,
elaboration, and rehearsal in the form of
distributed practice. Results indicate that
grades on discussions correlate with exam grades
and students who fully engage in the discussion
activities have higher test grades than students
who do not fully engage in discussion
activities. The implications for online
instruction and future research are discussed.
Key Words:
Asynchronous discussions, learning principles,
long term memory, storage processes, meaningful
learning, elaboration, distributed practice
The Overall Effect of Online
Audio Conferencing in Communication Courses:
What do Students Really Think?,
Lynn M. Disbrow
The use of online ancillary tools in technology
based pedagogy is growing. This paper examines
student reactions to an online audio
conferencing tool used as a part of both online
and traditional communication courses. Students
were e-mailed four broad, open-ended questions
to gather the most authentic reactions to their
experience with the conferencing tool. Most
frequently, students cited convenience and
increased interactivity as positive aspects of
using the conferencing tool. “Technological
problems” was the most frequently cited drawback
to the tool.
Key Words: instruction, interactivity,
convenience, learning
Investigating the Connection
between Usability and Learning Outcomes in
Online Learning Environments,
Gabriele Meiselwitz and William
A. Sadera
Online learning is used in
many institutions of higher education with
course offerings ranging from complete
online degrees to hybrid virtual and
physical courses. Online learning
environments are complex environments using
a variety of technologies and tools to
overcome time and location restrictions. The
research presented in this article focuses
on a web-based asynchronous learning
environment and the integration of usability
factors into the evaluation of student
learning outcomes. Usability tools are often
employed in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
to measure the quality of a user’s
experience when interacting with a web site
and could potentially impact learning in
web-based online learning environments. This
study investigates the relationships between
usability factors and learning outcomes in
an online learning environment as well as
differences in learning outcomes and system
usability between several selected student
groups, including student computer
competency scores, gender, age, and student
standing. The results of this survey-based
study highlight the importance of
integrating usability factors into the
evaluation of learning outcomes in online
learning environments.
Online learning, usability, learning
outcomes, evaluation, assessment
Self-aware and Self-directed: Student
Conceptions of Blended Learning,
Susan L. Greener
This paper reports on an investigation into
student conceptions of “blended learning”,
(hybrid in US) in the light of their experience
of a Higher Education Masters level module at a
British university. The small scale study used a
rigorous qualitative method to discover in the
students’ words a range of conceptions relating
to this learning experience. The students’
conceptions were related to the stage of study
and an analysis of motivations for learning in
this context. The study identified a new
dimension of learning motivation with practical
implications for attempting to blend traditional
face-to-face teaching methods with online
support and study options.
Higher Education, online learning, motivation,
learning approaches, qualitative research
Teaching People to Bargain
Online: The Impossible Task Becomes the
Preferred Method,
Carolyn D. Roper
The author traces her attitude-reversing
experience developing, against her professional
judgment, an online version of a skill-based,
interactive collective bargaining class for
undergraduate college students. She explains the
methods used to teach the class and lists the
advantages and disadvantages of teaching a
skill-based class online. Finally, she relates
this class to best online instructional
practices, concluding that the significant
advantages compensate for the absence of
in-person communication in a traditional
Key Words:
Collective Bargaining, Negotiation, Best
practices, Interaction, Skill-based instruction,
Distance education