Collaboration and teamwork are skills that are
required in the workplace. Teaching these skills
requires a blend of academic training and experience
in teams and collaboration. Faculty are trained to
work independently and, unless they have specific
expertise in group process, do not have skills in
teamwork. Further, an online synchronous
environment challenges instructors with
opportunities for direct teaching of teamwork and
Collaboration is defined as �a cooperative endeavor
that involves common goals, coordinated effort, and
outcomes or products for which the collaborators
share responsibility or credit� (Austin & Baldwin,
1992). In this paper, a case scenario is presented
in which three instructors in three different
courses model collaborative behavior for their
students. The setting is a large state-affiliated
system with an internet based MBA Program.
In this paper the process of collaboration is
distinguished from the content integration. In
other words, while there are benefits to the
integration of the content in collaborating on three
courses, there is also benefit to collaborating and
coordinating on the process. Business personnel,
such as these MBA students, regularly work in teams
within their professional environment. In these
teams, the members must set common goals, coordinate
their efforts, and provide outcomes or products for
which the collaborators share responsibility or
credit. The goal of the faculty is to model these
processes within the online academic environment to
help the students learn effective collaboration in
their coursework and transfer those attained skills
to their workplace. This paper focuses on the
process of how collaboration among the three courses
was accomplished, independent of the courses�
content, and examines student responses to working
within this collaborative environment.
Literature Review
Team teaching has been gaining momentum as a
promising pedagogy in higher education (Helms et
al., 2005). In fact, team teaching has many names
and is often referred to as collaborative teaching,
co-teaching, or cooperative teaching. Team teaching
serves as a method to avoid teacher isolation,
empower teachers, and encourage innovations. There
are two distinct approaches in team teaching, and
they are the interactive approach and the
turn-teaching approach (Helms et al., 2005; Nead,
The interactive team-teaching is the �true� team
teaching in the traditional sense. In this approach,
two or more professors are in front of the classroom
simultaneously. All the professors actively
participate by commenting on the scheduled
discussion topics, with lively interactive dialogue
and debate (Galley & Carroll, 1993; Nead, 1995). The
turn-teaching approach can also be called the
�rotational team-teaching� approach. There are two
scenarios in this approach: the individual
professors either teach classes separately and will
attend classes only when teaching their specific
areas (Morlock, 1988), or all professors attend all
classes, but only one professor presents
independently with little or no dialogue from the
observer partner (the professors alternate the
observer and teacher roles in one class) (Flanagan &
Ralston, 1983).
There are various forms of collaboration in a
learning environment: faculty collaboration and
student collaboration. Faculty collaboration can be
defined by common goals, effort, and outcomes as
noted (Austin & Baldwin, 1992, p.1). Student
collaboration similarly occurs when students work
together as a team to maximize their own and each
other�s learning experience. In a team-teaching
environment, it is common to assign teams projects
that challenge students to apply knowledge from more
than one functional area with an integrated solution
approach. Student collaboration helps students to
raise the achievements of the whole team, to provide
opportunities to work together, and to build
positive relationships in the team (Leon & Tai,
Team teaching can occur on a single course or
multiple courses. The literature in both areas is
diverse. An interdisciplinary course team taught by
professors from sociology and drama departments was
reported by Alexander and Sullivan (1996). Helms,
Alvis and Willis (2005) addressed the need for MBA
team-teaching case studies to integrate seemingly
disparate functional disciplines. Geary and Rooney
(1993) found that team teaching combining several
disciplines would be an effective way to advance
students� intuitive thinking.
Team teaching can occur in a single geographic
location (or academic unit) or multiple locations
(or academic units). The former is very common for
residency education programs and the latter is
usually for long distance learning. There are
numerous studies in both areas. For example, Leon
and Tai (2004) implemented a study in team-teaching
residency MBA courses in which each professor
provided individual expertise in finance and
quantitative modelling. Roberts, et al. (2006)
described the evolution and activities of the
Faculty Online Teaching and Learning Community at
Western Carolina University (WCU) in which faculty
collaborated to develop online teaching support.
Wang, et al. (2005) raised some design issues in a
cross-institutional collaboration on a distance
education course.
The general sentiment for team teaching is that if
it is done correctly, everyone benefits from
team-taught courses. Benefits have been reported for
both professors and students where the process has
been used. The novice professors can acquire
team-teaching experience (Coffland et al., 1974),
and the seasoned professor can hear fresh ideas from
colleagues (Robinson & Schaible, 1995). Also, team
teaching can lead to the creation of a more
collegial and robust faculty, and provide the
possibility of cross-disciplinary research and
enhanced publication opportunities (Helms et al.,
2005). Studies indicate that students experience a
variety of benefits from team-taught course
structure as well. Students in team-taught business
courses felt better prepared for future business
courses than their counterparts in traditional
courses (Nead, 1995), reported improved
teacher-student relationships (Wilson & Martin,
1998), and expressed a preference for team teaching
over the traditional teaching method (Hinton &
Downing, 1998). Benjamin (2000) found improved
student learning outcomes from reflective and
collaborative teaching. Team teaching also helps the
students to build teamwork and improve their
interpersonal skills (Johnson et al., 2000). Another
benefit of team teaching is combining a mix of
teaching skills and styles. Furthermore, team-taught
students experience multiple perspectives from
different disciplines (Wilson & Martin, 1998).
While team teaching is similar to collaboration, the
transfer of collaborative behavior is more abstract
than the actual modelling of collaborative
behavior. Transfer of these behaviors is critical (Valli,
The Case Scenario
The students were a diverse group of experienced
professionals. The 66 students had an average age
of 32 years with 26% being female and 21% minority,
and an average of seven years of work experience.
The students resided in 24 different states and 5
countries. The undergraduate majors of the students
included, but were not limited to, business
disciplines, engineering disciplines, math, biology,
chemistry, library science, sociology, psychology,
and journalism. Some students worked in Fortune 100
or Fortune 500 firms, some worked in small
entrepreneurial firms, some worked in multinational
firms, some worked in local companies, and some
worked in services or manufacturing or agriculture
or the military. Yet all had the need to learn the
collaboration skills that would be modeled by the
faculty in this three course term (Grossbart,
Carlson, & Walsh; 1991).
Instructors collaborated in the design, delivery,
and evaluation of the term and the courses. The
collaborative behaviors in design, delivery, and
evaluation were separated into direct and indirect
modelling examples. For the purpose of this paper,
direct modelling is described as a display of
behavior by the instructors intended to simulate
collaborative behavior. Indirect modelling is the
output of collaboration. In indirect modelling,
students do not observe collaboration but infer its
presence through jointly produced outputs.
Appendix A is a recap of the actions taken by the
team of instructors in design, delivery, and
evaluation of the term and the three courses. Here
is one example. At the beginning of the term, the
instructors jointly convened a virtual class session
(using Elluminate Live! or E-Live!) to introduce
each instructor and outline the course content for
the term. The clear message to the students was
that the instructors had jointly worked to design
content and outcomes. The instructors continued
their joint work by scheduling virtual class
sessions throughout the term so that no more than
one instructor held a session in any week of the
course. Later, the faculty offered another joint
session to finalize the student team deliverable and
prepare for an integrative residency experience.
This is a direct model of collaboration for the
The instructors also worked together to design a
common deliverable or output for the term. The
deliverable is a strategic analysis of a firm and
the industry in which the firm operates. Student
teams were instructed to evaluate both the firm and
the industry from a financial, organizational, and
strategic or market perspective. The theoretical
principles using perspectives from each of the three
courses were introduced throughout the term and
students were taken for a company visit in the
seventh week of the 8-week term. The final
deliverable for the term tightly integrates the
requirements from each course into a single and
seamless document.
The instructors also took advantage of every
opportunity to indirectly model collaborative
behavior. The construction of a joint deliverable
demonstrated to the students that there was a great
deal of time put forth by the instructors to form a
seamless product. The outline of the final
deliverable was color coded by course and a
corresponding grading sheet was given to the
students early in the term to give them an idea of
what the final product would look like. The
collaboration was evident in that the course-related
materials were completely integrated into the
deliverable, and not sectioned off into individual
course content. Also, every opportunity was taken by
the instructors to ask questions about each aspect
of the collaborative process. Further, there were
numerous opportunities, via discussion boards and
individual ELive! sessions for the instructors to
indirectly demonstrate that they were aware of the
topics and assignments in each other�s classes. In
that way, the instructors were using the online
environment to indirectly model collaboration.
Did the modelling of collaboration work? Was the
behavior modelling transferred to the students? How
did students respond to this unique course delivery
system? In the next section, the authors present a
summary of the student responses to the actions of
the instructors.
Collaboration as Expressed by Student Feedback
Students were asked to provide feedback concerning
the collaborative efforts of the faculty in a course
online discussion board. Overall, student feedback
provided fair and thorough criticism of the faculty
efforts to integrate courses. Student feedback
included both positive and negative responses.
However, positive experiences were more widespread.
The most frequent positive comments can be
classified into three key topic areas: 1) the
student�s ability to gain a comprehensive view of
the course topics, 2) the student�s ability to
transfer knowledge to their work environment, and 3)
the enhancement of managerial and workplace skills.
The most prevalent feedback from students stated
that, due to the collaborative nature of the
courses, they were able to gain a �complete� view of
the course material including the strategic,
organizational and financial framework. Students
felt that this broadened perspective added value to
the learning outcomes from each course and also
showed direct relevancy to their professional
experiences. Representative student comments in
this topic included:
The 'bigger carrot' for this term is overall
increased knowledge based on the integration of
these three courses.
By collaborating, the three courses the instructors
are setting us up for greater success down the
road. The collaborative perspective allows us to
view strategy, organization and finance from a
holistic perspective.
The course collaboration appears to be well
orchestrated among the three instructors.
The current integration plan appears to be fitting
well for the program and for student learning, these
three courses fit together into a logical "whole",
this will make transfer of knowledge logical and
The keys to success are experience and a
comprehensive knowledge base. The collaborative
nature of these courses allows for a comprehensive
analysis of problems and potential solutions."
The student benefits gained in this term were in
direct response to the overall intent by the
instructors. By integrating course content through
class assignments and lesson concepts, the
instructors presented a broadened view of the course
material that discussed interlocking pieces rather
than single functional silos.
Based on the student feedback as noted above, the
collaboration and integration efforts of the
instructors allowed students to gain a comprehensive
view of the strategic, organizational, and financial
perspective of the organization. The benefits of
collaboration were clear.
Secondly, the students felt strongly that the
transfer of knowledge to their work environment was
directly apparent and that course concepts were
easily applied, due to the integrative nature of the
courses. Representative student comments included:
It seems that the 3 instructors have planned how the
courses will interact and they work in conjunction
with each other. This process has allowed us to
gain knowledge and apply this knowledge to other
courses in the program. More importantly, this
information is transferred logically to our
professional arena.
Due to the integration of courses it will be easier
to put things in perspective and to apply this
knowledge to the residency and to our real world.
These three courses are setup well and they
integrate the background knowledge that we have
learned to date. Due to this collaborative nature
of teaching we can have better perspective on the
way that organizations do business.
Understanding collaboration will make our jobs
easier and will provide us with flow and consistency
of information. In other words, instead of the
instructors giving us pieces that don't quite fit,
they gave us the pieces and challenged us to find
ways to put the pieces together. Collaboration was
done right! The big picture somehow became more
Based on these comments, students were able to find
a direct partnership with the course concepts and
their professional work environment. The
instructors� intent in this regard was to help the
students appreciate the theoretical concepts in the
curriculum while realizing the transfer of
information to their professional experiences. The
knowledge transfer of collaboration was successful.
Finally, student comments indicated that the
collaborative learning environment provided the
opportunity to develop managerial and workplace
skills related to team dynamics, flexibility,
respect for differing perspectives and change.
Student comments included:
By teaching the course content in a collaborative
nature, the instructors helped us to gain a
comprehensive perspective of business processes.
This knowledge will prepare us for future management
Flexibility and adaptation are key competencies of
successful managers. The collaborative nature of
these courses has allowed us to grow in this area.
We respected and appreciated the instructor�s intent
to integrate, therefore reinforcing the importance
of collaboration both in the classroom and in the
Overall, student feedback indicated that tangential
skills were gained by observing the collaborative
deliberations, actions, and outputs of the
instructors. The collaborative behavior was
transferred to the students.
The collaboration of the instructors also presented
some challenges for students. Feedback in this area
cannot be easily categorized, as the student
comments were varied and presented disparate
viewpoints. Overall the feedback addressed issues
such as �uneasiness� with the nature of integration
in the academic setting, differing student
performance in the classes within the term,
uncertainty with the process of integration,
differing learning styles and practical application
to the work environment. Student comments included:
I think one of the challenges with courses designed
collaboratively is to keep up with three different
schedules and requirements as the integration among
the courses, can be quite confusing
The collaboration of courses appears to be fitting
for the program and for student learning. However,
it is yet to be seen if it can be as effective in
practical terms as it is on paper.
I am anxious to see how the tight integration among
the three courses will play out.
The integration among the courses might start to get
a little confusing during the term. Professors and
students must ensure that there is clarity around
what is and isn't due and how the courses dovetail
with each other.
Based on personal learning styles, some students may
find this style of teaching distracting and
I view the idea of integration as a potential
�pinch� area. For example, I have a harder time
with one of the courses than I do with the other two
courses. I would hope that my performance in this
class will not hinder my performance in the other
In summary, students felt that the collaborative
nature of the courses allowed for a broadened view
of the course material, a relevant and positive
correlation between the course concepts and the
�real world�, and the opportunity to enhance their
overall workplace skills. Students felt that the
collaborative nature of the courses allowed for a
thriving learning environment that allowed for
increased participation appropriate for graduate
level learning. The challenges of the collaborative
approach seem to pertain to the unfamiliarity of an
integrative learning environment rather than to the
process and outcome of the learning experience. A
new and different learning environment often creates
such anxiety. Thus, it appears that instructor
collaboration has been successful and, if used
regularly, could be even more successful since
continuity of collaboration techniques would
mitigate or overcome the unease stemming from a
one-time application of this unique teaching
The benefits of collaboration in the business
environment are clear in terms of providing a common
direction for the employees and the business unit.
However, the ways to teach these concepts are not so
clear. Modeling is one way to encourage students to
engage in appropriate collaboration behavior.
Some of the research in collaboration is revealing
in terms of what is expected in the education and
the business arena. Valli (1989) talks about four
transfer of learning problems and the collaborative
arrangements to overcome these problems. Although
the setting was a primary school and not a
university, the study introduces the notion of
transfer of learning as an outcome of collaboration.
Roberts et al (2006) discuss the creation of faculty
support mechanisms to prepare faculty to teach in
the digital classroom environment. This
collaboration is among faculty and provides a large
dose of support conceptually. However, it does not
necessarily model the collaboration desired for
students in the workplace.
Helms et al. (2005) focus on the virtue of
integrating disparate courses to show how various
disciplines interact. This is especially important
in the MBA core. The Helms study was in a
traditional residential instruction environment.
Moving to the virtual environment, Eveleth and
Eveleth (2003) discuss the use of on-line
collaborative activities to develop the application
of dialogue skill. They note that dialogue skill is
most needed by business managers, cross-functional
team members, and boundary spanners who need the
skills to cross between and among departments or
functional work groups. Development of such collaboration in a business environment.
Collaborative behaviors emerge in organizations when
the participants agree on a common agenda, share
concerns and power, and commit to building trust.
The authors also report that such collaborative
behaviors are a result of intrinsic motivation and
exist within environments of experimentation and
learning. We can conclude that environments that
promote risk-taking and tolerate failure will
promote collaboration.
Thus, the environment created in the case scenario
would support the Helms et al. (2005) notion of
integration while a further expectation of success
in the use of online collaborative activities is
anticipated by Eveleth and Eveleth�s work (2003).
Moving the discussion to the cross-functional
business arena, the environment of the case scenario
is a safe one for students and does, indeed, both
promote and tolerate risk-taking, thus fulfilling
the expectations of Jasswalla & Sashittal (1999).
In conclusion, our case scenario fosters
collaboration and models collaborative behavior as
suggested by the literature and confirmed by our
study. These skills are critical to those in the
increasingly virtual business world. Our case not
only forces students to collaborate in an online
environment but, in a more subtle way, demonstrates
the finer points of collaboration that are carried
out by the faculty. Students who are exposed to
this multi-front approach to the adoption of
collaborative behavior, assimilate the tools and
techniques of collaboration more quickly.
Hints for Successful Collaboration
If you would like your students to collaborate among
themselves, you should think about collaborating
across courses between instructors. Course
individuality should be maintained but every
opportunity to collaborate should be visible to the
students. Ensure that students clearly understand
that they are taking multiple classes that have
points of logical intersection. Present yourselves
as a team � initially together. This will send a
more powerful message than just telling the students
that you are working together. Explain and show how
the courses have common goals. Offer distinct
examples of coordinated efforts between instructors.
Provide one or more joint products derived from the
content of both courses. Create a joint grading
system for some course elements where each
instructor does an individual assessment of the
student work but a single grade is determined from a
pre-defined weighting of the instructors�
evaluations. Also, it is much more convenient if
the student teams are the same across classes. Last
but not least, remember that it is not �what you
say� but �what you do� that will truly allow you to
�lead and learn by example�.
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- Examples of Collaboration Modeling
Integration of course content
Review of �what worked and what didn�t� from
previous classes
Design of residency content/deliverables
Placement of course assignments
Joint course final deliverable and grading sheet
Use of same peer evaluation sheet
Course Format/Verbiage
Balanced level of workload
Equitable balance of synchronous vs. asynchronous
Shared emphasis on teamwork and collaboration
Joint introductory Elive! session
Reference material from other courses
Joint presentations during residency � �live case
Staggered E-Live! sessions
Reference courses throughout delivery
Improved quality of course content
Integrative student discussions on message boards
Shared final term deliverable
Shared grading sheet
Shared peer evaluation form
Uniform instructor evaluation
Use of technology for grading purposes
Comprehensive course review from students
Fair student evaluation of integrative concepts
Improved response time from instructors